Chapter Fourteen-Someone In The Night

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Ironpaw's lungs burned as he dived headfirst through a bush. Sharp twigs poked at his body, leaving some bruises and drawing blood. But he couldn't care less about it now. He kept running, paws thumping against the hard forest floor. I shouldn't let it get me!

He looked back over his shoulder. The scent of blood and death enveloped him strongly. Terror coursed through his veins. It's coming closer! I'm not fast enough! Ironpaw tried to run quicker, but his legs wouldn't obey. Every muscle in his body ached, and he was still in danger.

Panting, he raced up a slope. The bushes rustled around him, each of them whispering of scarlet, sweet blood. Tensing, Ironpaw braced himself to run once again. last time...

"You think you could escape that easily?!" He stopped dead in his tracks as the loud yowl thundered from behind. He could actually recognize the voice.

It was his own voice.

"Thinking you could run away from me?" It kept taunting. Ironpaw heard pawsteps coming towards him. He couldn't move. The blood in his veins turned to ice. His brain screamed at him to run as fast as he could, but he just froze to the spot.

Then, a pair of vicious green eyes appeared in the bushes. Ironpaw could easily read those eyes.

Because they were his own.

Blood-thirst, malice and an almost sadistic satisfaction shone in that gaze.

No...This...This just can't be me.

As if on cue, a cruel laughter sounded from the bush. "Don't lie to yourself...You know that I am you..."

"No! You are not!"

"Yes, I am..." The horroristic figure purred sweetly. "Just search deep inside your heart...I'm there..."

"No..." Ironpaw wheezed, his lungs screaming for air. His fur stood on end. "I'll never..." He began coughing, and couldn't finish his sentence.

"Yes, you will..." The creature laughed again, but this wasn't the laugh of a happy cat. "You can find me inside your heart...You will find me, Ironpaw. I'm you and you are me. We are one. You can't split us up...Search for me...Remember your parents, Ironpaw!"

The ice finally melted. With an agonized shriek, the silver-and-white tom turned to run. Every hair of his pelt rose in horror. And there was something else...Anger. It scorched through his whole body, creating a bitter lump inside his stomach. He felt like he was on fire.

But he tried to push it down. I can't let it take control. I can't let it win.

Ironpaw sprinted down the hill. He didn't know where he was going; all he cared about was getting away from that monster.

A monster that lived inside him. He recognized it, even if just faintly.

Suddenly, Ironpaw tripped on something. He flew straight into the snow coating the forest floor. It was really cold, and it got into his nose. Sneezing and coughing, he pulled himself up. Shaking the snow from his pelt, he looked back to see what he tripped on.

And he remained frozen in that posture.

Just a tail-length behind him, there were two dead bodies. Two bodies that Ironpaw recognized too easily.

The world began spinning around him in a dizzying blood-red color. Stinging tears gathered in his eyes, and it only fueled his anger. Furiously, he dug his claws into the ground mercilessly.

"Where are you?!" Ironpaw shrieked, feeling himself go almost mad as some irresistible fury coursed through his veins. "Where are you?! Come out here so I can finish you off!" He wanted blood. He could almost feel the sour tang as he stared at the limp, unmoving bodies of his parents. He wanted to kill everyone who hurt them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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