Chapter 1

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Hello! I'm Devin, I'm one of the main heroes.. Crazy right?
Well, Not everyone knows I'm the main hero, People know me as a nerd or just a there person.
Yes, we may be heroes, but we have school. Which, me and my brother, Michael have to hide our forms that we are heroes.
But, This is our life, for. Now?

Me and Michael wake up early for school, It was Michael's turn to cook breakfast. So I had more time to pick a different outfit than my usual.
"Devin hurry your butt up! We got 10 minutes to eat then we're out!" Michael always says that, but yeah he's right. I did my best to hurry which I always successfully do!

I ran downstairs "Ooo! What'd you make this time?" Michael does make very good food. Mainly breakfast food, His is delicious!
"Just waffles with strawberries and a smoothie" sounds like a common breakfast thing right?
But oh come on, when it comes to Michael's? It's better than restaurant breakfasts.

Right after breakfast, we had to really hurry this time! We grabbed both our backpacks and ran out, well
I locked the door than ran with Michael, good thing we're good runners, thanks to PE!
We made it on time and there was our friend group!

Let me introduce you to our group
It's me, Michael, Ritchie, Brandon, Lucas and David.

Me, Michael and David are heroes, we keep each other's secrets, we're very close!
"Made it right on time Cutie" Ritchie would say to me, every time. Not sure why he calls me that but, It makes me flustered, a lot..
"Well, Michael made breakfast today and it was just so good" I responded, Ritchie just chuckled as he wrapped his arm around me, Oh god, I think I might faint.

Well, Till next time, now we gotta get to class, all of us :)

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