Chapter 2

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God, there are not enough words to express my pure hatred towards introductions at a new school.

Once i sat down i couln't get myself to stop sweating which i found revolting and i felt so... deeply embarassed i couldn't look anywere except my desk. What if my classmates are whispering about me? Will they ever welcome me into their school? Do they want me here? God, that sounds so selfish but i can't help but spiral whether they think im a freak who doesn't know what he's doing that suddenly appeared in their school. I know most of them didn't even register there's a new student, and even if they did they don't give a fuck, but i can't stop the thoughts. I wanted to run out of here, break free, go home to my sister Marceline and never have to come out into the world again. I realize i rely on her too much but she is my only family. I just want to go home.

Are they looking at me? Are they going to make fun of me? Will this school be another living hell? Then, I felt someone pat my back, and realized it was Aiden. This simple gesture so familiar and caring that it temporarily made my self doubt and my anxious thoughts that were eating me alive inside out slow down. "You did great man, don't you worry" Aiden softly whispered into my ear.

I was so disoritented. Why did Aiden feel so familiar, and just the sight of him comforted me? Maybe I met him before but, i've been to numerous schools and lived in countless towns, cities and countries that no matter how hard i tried i could not for the life of me remember who he was or where I, if i did, met him. His name sounds familiar, sure, but nothing else rings a bell. I will not be resorting to asking him in details about it, I don't want to freak out a possibly new, maybe the only, friend i might have at this school. I just wish i knew. Perhaps it's like he said, maybe we were just destined to meet.

By the time i have caught up with most of the material i've missed, it's been a couple of weeks. Aiden has offered to tutor and help me with all my assignments, projects and other material

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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