Chapter Three: Ingratitude

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Young ladies should be prompt and sincere in expressing gratitude. In some situations, a card or letter will suffice. In others, a clasped hand and a thank you from your lips are more appropriate.

Wendy was on the prowl. After days of waking up sweaty from strange dreams with odd feelings in her stomach and lower, she was determined to be rid of them.

And Hook was the cause.

Peter had heard that Hook was near Skull Rock, alone. He and the boys were off plotting. Wendy had no time for that. She had stolen a dagger from Peter's collection and snuck off while they were preoccupied.

She was going to kill him. She no longer wanted to feel the things he had made her feel.

She crept through the shadowy forest, bare feet silent on the mossy ground. Up ahead, she saw the faint flickering light of a fire.

Her chest had been sore for two days after the last time they had met. Her behind had been sore for about the same amount of time – though fortunately the marks had faded quickly. But even though all he had inflicted on her both times was pain, her dreams seemed not to care.

In her dreams, she wanted to see him, wanted him to... she wasn't sure what. She had wanted something from him. She would wake up uncomfortable, pressing her legs together and breathing hard.

Hook sat on a log, looking into the flames of a small fire. He had taken off his jacket and hat and sat with his elbows on his knees. He looked tired.

And unprepared, Wendy thought.

Dagger gripped tightly, she slipped out of the bushes and into the shadows of the clearing. Heart in her throat, she slinked closer and closer. A few steps more, and she could be within reach, could plunge the blade into his neck from behind.

But just as she drew back her arm, firelight glinted on his hook. It flashed as he hooked it around her blade and twisted it from her grip. She jumped back – his eyes were furious and terrifying – trying to get away. But he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to him.

"And what, exactly, do you think you are doing, Miss Darling?" he asked, low and menacing.

She was through being afraid of him. "Trying to kill you," she snarled and bit his arm. In surprise, he let go and she stumbled back.

He was on her in a second, straddling her waist and pinning her arms to the ground. She kicked furiously until he moved himself down her body, trapping her legs.

"Kill me?" he asked. "After I have tried so hard to supplement your clearly lacking education?"

She glared up at him. "Yes."

Hook looked down at her. Her body was so small beneath him, so weak. He could do anything to her, right here on the forest floor. Almost involuntarily, he ground down on her, his rapidly hardening cock dragging over her pelvic bone.

She whimpered, but her cheeks flushed a charming pink. Watching her closely, Hook rolled his hips again. She squirmed beneath him, lips pursed. She looked... confused. He smiled slowly.

"And why do you feel this sudden murderous urge?" he asked.

"You're a bad man," she said. "You do bad things."

"What kinds of things?" he purred.

"You hurt me," she pouted. "You do things I don't want you to do. To me."

"Is that not what punishment is?" he asked. "When you are sent to your room without dinner or your schoolteacher uses the rod, do you want these things?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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