Nick - Late Night Depression

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For a while now, the triplets had been posting pre-recorded videos, that Nick has edited months ago, just so then they could take a break from things. Everything was going quite well until Nick started to feel sad as the days went on. Everyday he would find himself in his bedroom, just on his phone, without really socialising with his brothers, obviously not recording either due to their pre-recorded videos, obviously.

He was mostly fine and happy enough during the day, however when it came to night, he found himself more lonely than ever. He just stared at the wall for hours, not socialising, not sleeping, not eating, and overall just in a depressed mood.

When his brothers thought he was asleep, he was really sitting up, at the window sill, overthinking things, all night.

His brothers didn't find out for a while, until one night Nick just fell of the window sill and it obviously made a thump onto the floor so his brothers obviously heard him and went up to his bedroom to check that he was okay. They did. And he wasn't...

They both found him just sitting on the floor, tears forfilling his two eyes, and when they asked him if he was okay? Well he just burst into tears, and basically told them everything.

He told them how he was scared to tell them that he has been getting late night depression and that he thought they wouldn't care. They sat with him and they talked to him through everything.

They helped him get through it by sleeping next to him and talking to him most days and making sure he was okay. And at the end of it all? Well everything worked out perfectly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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