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Hey y'all! here are my character aesthetics for our very awesome mc's-

Maverick Boste (Mav)

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Maverick Boste (Mav)

18 years old

Just graduated high school

Blonde + blue eyes

Charismatic - sarcastic - cocky - proud - caring  
Plays baseball

Going to UL (University  of Louisville)


little background *

maverick has anger issues but went to therapy for 5 years (10-15), yet they pop up occasionally. he lives with his deadbeat dad and basically has raised his 10 year old brother completely. his mom passed away and that sent his dad basically off the deep end. he has panic attacks sometimes, but recently they have been dormant. 

Hazel King (Zellie)

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Hazel King (Zellie)

18 years old

just graduated highschool

brunette + green eyes (ironic right?)

sassy - funny - kind 87% of the time - sweet - loving

plays tennis

Going to Fairfield college


little background * 

hazel has anxiety and suffers from a little depression, she has PSTD from her past,  but takes a pill for it everyday to keep it in check. her childhood is a little screwed up, but we will get into that more. her mom is basically her best friend. she has lived in a two bedroomed apartment with her since she was born. 

side characters * 

Lily Hendrix (18)

- hazels best friend -

Maya Pray (18) 

- hazels camp friend -

Gabe Scotts (18)

- mavericks best friend -

Joshua (Josh) (18)

- mavericks camp friend -

Ms. King (Lorelei)  (38)

- hazels mom -

Derek Boste (D) (10)

- mavericks brother -

Mr. Boste (Ben) (42) 

- mavericks dad - 

some characters may be added along the way, you'll just have to read and find out!


If you have any questions, just ask! ps. I dont know very much about baseball.. so.. dont ask about that! also there won't be any in- depth smut (maybe a few makeout scenes idk) in this, so if that's what your looking for, your not gonna find it here.

also I know some people don't like how people have bad backgrounds or problems and what not, and if so, then don't read this book! I'm not glorifying any of this what so ever, but I think its interesting to see people with a different background.        

bye lovelies! 🤍🤍

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