001 - morning baby

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Biggest Headache

Biggest headache:
morning baby.

🖕🏻quit that,I beg.

Biggest headache:
Are y'all filming today?

Yeah,we are.

Biggest headache:
I'll film today then.

Is there anything you'd like me to do
With that "helpful" info

Biggest headache:
Cherish it like I cherish
our childhood promise.

I'd say that was smoother
than the other ONE HUNDRED
other things you've said.

Biggest headache:
I'd like to say it was over
100,thanks for
noticing my efforts tho.


Video start

"Hey guys,welcome to the knight video-Woah look at that sky."Cameron said extending the word "woah."as he motioned the camera to the golden sky that melted into pink,before jaden snatched it back.

"Stop,touching,the,camera."he said,between swatting the older brothers arm violently.
Before he handed max the camera to set on the dashboard again.

"Your getting it greasy."Jaden said referring to his greasy fry hands. "You handed me the camera,you dumb fuck."Max replied as he wiped his left hand on his trousers,adjusting the camera with his right.

Video cut

"First things first,if your not subscribed-"Jaden began in a calm tone,meanwhile his brothers were scrolling.

"SUBSCRIBE!"Max yelled in sync with Cameron "watch your mouths."Jaden said through light laughter.

"At the end of the day it's a choice."Max piped down,as he brushed back his hair.

"Yeah,that's true,that's true."Cameron agreed "Still tho,subscribe."Cameron demanded.

"Alright can we just start the video?"Max argued as he turned to jaden.
"Anyways,today,today is different."the two twins say before high fiving one another.

"Todays a little interesting."Max informed them.

"What's scarier that reading horror stories?"Cameron asked,his left brow twitching upwards.

"People writing about me and Demitra kissing each other."Max answered in a mocking tone as Jaden sent him a slick side eye.

"You have Wattpad on your phone?"Cameron question as his brother hummed "I'd say that's weird but so do I."Jaden added on.

"Most of the time fan fictions are uncomfortably weird."Jaden informed the viewers that could be oblivious to what's gonna happen.

"Considering I'm a gay male."Cameron pointed out "I'll read because most of these will be about Jaden and Max."Cameron explained from the back of the car.

"So,I've found a short story-"Cameron began as his head trailed towards the front of the car where the other two brothers eyed each other.

"Who's it about?"Max asked turning to the boy in a giraffe hat.
"You."Cameron said in a tone that made Jaden wheeze and close his eyes tightly.

"Bro."Max said extending his words as he threw his head back before his phone rang.

"Hey,we're filming."He informed the three sisters on the other end of the phone,as he flipped his camera to his waving brothers.

"What happened to y'all?"Jaden asked the three drenched girls,that dropped with water.
"Dunk challenge."Demitra and Sunday answered in sync as they turned to the camera.

"We have a question!"Eliana said hopping her head into frame.
"Shoot."Jaden said,meanwhile Cameron was waiting to blabber about the current fanfiction in his possession.

"What's Demitras dream man?"Sunday asked as she leaned over their counter.
"Me."Max answered so fast it was like he'd been ready to say it for his whole life.

"THATS WHAT WE SAID!"Eli practically screamed.
"You'd also be dunked so fast."Demitra said as Cameron couldn't  bother to wait and started reading.

"It's called Baby boy,seven minutes in HELL!"
"Baby boy."Cameron read proudly " 'Maximus Percy Knight' I said looking at him drowsily -"Cameron began as Jaden furrowed his brows.

"How do u look at someone drowsily?"he asked as Max pouted his lips "drowsy."he mocked over the girls laughter over the phone and his brother.

Jaden laughing more hysterically then the girls on the phone "what?!"Cameron asked "I missed it! This is why I hate sitting in the back."

"He went..drowsy."Jaden imitated as Cameron scoffed.

"As I stared into the blueness of his ocean eyes."

"His eyes are literally green."Demitra pointed out,before Sunday hung up the phone to go back to their filming.

A/n:chapter two will be better

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