seb chapter 30

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almost done this fic:(( i need more ship recs

over the span of a month, sebs days looked pretty much the same. hanging out with all his friends and mike, going on fancy dates with the girl called lily. she was nice and all, and they had fun but it didn't feel the same when he smooched her as when he smooched his beta, mike.

other than that, he was having a great time. mikes psycho dad hadn't bothered them yet, but either way sebw as practicing his alpha powers with the help of his favourite couple tiffany and sheila.

sebs favourite thing about his powers is that, because he was mikes alpha, he could make him do whatever he wanted with his wolf powers. he'd ignite his eyes with pure alpha power fuel and mike would follow his every command.

he didn't make mike do anything serious, of course but it was fun to make him wash dishes and help him with homework when he'd come over.

seb missed the short days that mike had lived with him. when seb had come back from his very first dats with lily, after he'd kissed her for the first time, freaking marked her then made up an excuse to get home and ask mike for help, he'd found his friend asleep in his bed, looking more peaceful than seb had ever seen him.

part of seb didnt want to disturb him, to watch him sleep like edward cullen, like a little creepy alpha boy. the other part of him knew that if lily was spotted with a huge alpha mark on her cheek, he'd be dead meat. so, he shook mike awake, explained what he did, avoiding eye contact, and asking mike for a way to fix it.

mike said the only way how was to kiss someone else, so every time he kissed lily since that night, he got to go to callums place and peck mike. sometimes, they'd kiss for a little longer like they were each others own personal brand of heroine.

those kisses were the ones that seb had craved, the feeling in the pit of his stomach that had made him feel the way he was supposed to with lily. greedily, and admittedly, guiltily, he'd give lily a quick peck after walking her home and then rush over to callums.

which was the case right now. seb knocked on the door until his knuckles were numb, with the same urgency as usual. when the door swung open, he gave callum a curt nod before rushing up to mikes room.

mike was bent over something on his bed, rummaging through his stuff. "mike-" seb began, unable to hide the smile pulling at his lips. mike turned around, not looking as pleased. mikes eyebrows were knitted together, his eyes distant, avoiding making eye contact with his alpha. the smile fades from sebs lips. "whats wrong?" seb asked, taking a step forward and placing a comforting hand on mikes stiff shoulder.

mike shrugs his hand away, a gesture that stung seb to his core. "what the sigmas up with you?" seb asked, a worried alpha growl escaping his lips. "nothing." mike said, stoically. hes packing all of his clothes into a duffle bag. "where you off to? fancy vacation?" seb jokes, though for some reason, it feels wrong. everything feels wrong for him right now.

"yea, something like that." mike doesn't turn around. he's busy packing his clothes.

"oh.. how long will you be gone?"

"for a while.. maybe forever."

sebs heart drops to his alpha tail, which, if he were turned, would be tucked between his legs right now. he can practically feel his ears drooping. "what..?" he barley makes out, his voice shaky.

mike finally turns around, though he still hasn't made eye contact with the boy in front of him. "look, seb. i know you're like, thriving or whatever, but, i don't belong here. not anymore. i found a pack down in fannum taxx, California. i'm headed there in the morning."

"what? mike, you can't just leave."

"yea? why not?" the venom in his voice shocks seb, and even seems to shock mike a little bit.

"you do belong here! you have a pack here, you have friends, people need you!" seb argues, feeling his head reel with the possibility of never seeing mike again.

"nobody needs me. i have no family, i'm just a burden to callum, everyones lives will be just fine without me."

"i need you!" seb starts.
"i.. what if your dad comes back?"

mike turns back around and goes back to packing, his aura confusing seb. did he really not want to be here?

"you don't need me. you're plenty strong. with tiffs pack you'll be just dandy." he mutters.

"its not just that." seb says, his whole body shaking with frustration.

mike stops, but he doesn't turn around.

"you're.. you're my best friend. the truest one i've ever had. and.. and i love you! i don't know what i'd do without you here, man."

"you have lily." mike says, his voice shaky.

"shes.. shes great," seb starts, watching as mikes shoulders pinch together. "but shes not you."

mike turns around, looking at the floor.  "i want you!" seb says, terrified of whay mike might say. to sebs horror, he doesn't say anything, he just stands there, his eyes trained on something over sebs shoulder.

seb feels tears sting in his eyes so he takes one step forward, pressing a hand to mikes cheek. "i want you." he repeats, his voice barley loud enough for mike to hear.

"no, you don't."

"i do, from the first moment i saw you in my homeroom, i was completely rizzed up. you didn't even have to say anything for me to fall in love with you, you baka. sheeeeeesh! i hosted the freaking tiktok rizz party just in hopes you'd show up.. and look where we are now." seb says, watching for any emotion in mikes face. his eyes are strained and tired, his lips pursed. seb leans in and presses his lips to mikes. they stay like that for a beat too long before mike pulls away.

"if you really wanted me, if you really loved me as much as you say you do, you wouldn't been scared to show it that first day back. and every other day after that. i've made my choice, seb. and you made yours a month ago." mike says, tears brewing in his brown eyes.

seb doesn't know what to say, he doesn't really know if he can say anything, because after all, mike was right. didn't think he was brave enough to show up to school the next day and let everyone know the secret he's kept from everyone for as long he can remember.

seb swallows, a lump forming in his throat. he uses his alpha flare for his next few words. "look at me,
look at me and if you really mean it, tell me to go. and i will. i order you too."

mikes tired eyes fight the force but eventually give up and meet sebs. he chokes out his next few words. "go, seb. go."

and with that, fighting back tears, seb does. he turns on his heel and leaves his beta an omega, the only thing ever proving they knew each other left was a print fading from mikes cheek. now even that would soon be gone as seb had let him go. or tried to.

A/N sorry this is corny but i love love love angst!

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