mike chapter 31

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tears welled in mikes eyes as he watched the love of his life race down the stairs, a sobbing mess. mike fell into his pile of clothes, his head in his hands. a few minutes later, callum appeared up the steps. "you okay?" he asked.

"did what i had to do. i should probably head to bed. lots of running to do tomorrow." mike said, hoping that callum would pick up what he was putting down.

thankfully, he did, spinning on his heel and leaving mike alone in his bedroom. mike sighed, trying to stop his mind from replaying that final kiss he'd had with seb. seb, who he could've shared a million more with, despite the circustances. but mike wasn't naïve. to seb, mike was just a warm body he liked to have around.

that wasn't need or love or any of the other poopcrap seb was going on about. seb would forget about him in a day, if mike was lucky. wallowing, mike flopped back onto his bed letting the sadness crash over him like waves until the tears came. he cried until he wore himself out, finally falling asleep.

mike had a lot of nightmares, though not one as realistic as this one. he saw his father, following a crying seb all the way home, watching him as he cried in his room, sobbing into a pillow where he had once woken mike up to the pleasant surprise of a kiss on the lips, followed by a few awkward seconds then more kissing.

he watched as his father stayed there all night, watching, scheming, planning and following seb all the way to school the next morning, luring him out into the forest and eventually, violently slitting the teens throat.

mikes screams of terror, his begging which had shredded his vocal chords had awoken callum who was now by mikes bed, comforting him. "shhhh.. mike, its okay. its just a dream. you're okay, you're safe."

"its.. not.. just.. a.. dream. sebs.. not.. safe." mike croaks out, his voice raspy and worn. "huh? mike, whats wrong?"

"i'll.. explain.. on.. the.. way." mike says, pulling off his pyjama pants and changing into his most athletic pants. he pulled on a shirt that read "eat, sleep, love your alpha, repeat" across the chest.

"what.. time.. is.. it?" he asked

"2pm mr. sleepalot!" callum joked.

only 30 minutes till the end of school.. the had to hurry.

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