Do you understand?

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I lied

I lied when I said that me and Franco would do this together; there is no way on God's green earth that I am letting Franco get involved with Iván Petrov

Which I why I snuck out to meet him while Franco's sleeping

I'm outside his base waiting for him, sweaty with anxiety, heart pounding with fear and yet there's still a burning rage inside me

This man prayed on a young girl going through the loss of both parents, got me hooked on drugs and made me choose between selling my body or killing a man, then came back to find me even though I owe him nothing

And the thing that makes me the angriest, the cherry on top of the cake is the fact that he wanted to hurt me by forcing Franco away

Thank god he is a literal saint and didn't leave me for what happened

The door opens and Iván steps out

"Well what a lovely surprise, my Petal is home"

"No, I'm not because I'm here instead"

"Oh, she's gotten feisty, I like it. You know if I knew you liked older men sooner I would have had you all for myself"

"You mean when I was a minor and addicted to heroin?" I cross my arms

He chuckles "You always were funny Petal"

"That's not my name Iván"

"Oh right, you changed it didn't you Angelica?"

I hum

"It's pretty, you'll always be my flower though, Petal, remember that"

"What do you want Iván?"

"You owe me"

"I paid you everything I owed" I shake my head

"That was before you sent me to prison"

"You went to prison because of your own actions"

"Yet you were the one testifying against me, you were the one who dialled the number and you were the one who made sure Lev was able to be saved"

"What do you want then?"

"$1,000,000" he chuckles

"And how am I supposed to give you $1,000,000 without it showing any red flags huh? And why now?"

"You can figure that out for yourself, get me the money or else"

"Or else what? What can you do?" I scoff

He pulls out a gun and presses it against my forehead "Don't test me Petal"

"Oh no, I'm so scared of dying, please- someone help me" I deadpan with a bored face

He chuckles and tucks the gun away again "Get me the money by next Monday or you'll be planning the funeral of your precious Franco"

I sigh "I'll get it. When I do just leave me alone, please Iván"

"I will," he gives me a nod with a small yet genuine smile "You have my word, flower, and you know I don't go back on my word"

"I do" I nod

"Good, I'll see you in seven days Petal"

"Seven days Iván"

He turns and walks back inside leaving me to walk back home, figuring out my options as I do

I make it home an hour later, it's now almost 3 am and I am praying Franco isn't awake

Obviously, I don't have good luck

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