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A/N: No, not like an "X reader" one shot. Just a story I wrote that has the human Sinister Six, and they're not villains. Very mundane, but also very heartbreaking. 

Quackerjack is Jack, Megavolt is Elmo, Chemist is Lyra, Bushroot is Reginald, Liquidator is Bud, and Negaduck is Blake. I wanted to name Negaduck Drake, but figured it'd make people confused. Enjoy!


"Goodbye," Jack, a 29-year-old man with white skin and curly blonde hair said to the now empty small building. It was a small toy shop he had owned, with dark wooden trim and brick walls. He had painted colorful shapes and waves all along the maroon bricks himself, as well as the navy blue wooden door with cartoony ducks along the bottom of it. He could still see himself inside the humble little shop, the oak shelves that he had put up filled to the brim with vibrantly colored jack-in-the-boxes, tops, stuffed animals, chattering teeth, rubber ducks, and a few of his own special monkey stuffed animals that were dressed up in denim overalls with little banana embroidering on the pockets. The button eyes of the monkeys were a dark green, the same color as Jack's.

The man looked down at the gold-painted cash register in his hands, sighing heavily as he remembered receiving it as a Christmas present from his best friend Elmo. His best friend, who had walked up next to Jack to put a hand on his shoulder. Elmo had slightly tanned skin with dyed ginger hair that complimented his light blue irises, and a small stubble on the outline of his jaw. The faux ginger looked at the cash register too, patting Jack's shoulder lightly.

"It won't be a goodbye," He reassured the blonde, "You'll get this place back in no time. I'll make sure of that, Quacky."

Jack's mouth tugged up into a soft smile at the nickname, a reminder of him quacking when a kid would come up to buy a rubber duck. He was really good at it too. Jack retorted with another name, "How can you be so sure of that, Sparks?"

Elmo's reassuring smile turned into a faint scowl, "Don't call me Sparks. I'll stop trying to make you feel better."

"You'd rather me call you Elmo constantly?" Jack said teasingly, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah," his friend replied sassily, "It's like it's my name or something. Not some stupid nickname that only exists because I'm an electrician."

Jack snickered at that, which was disappointing for Elmo. The ex-toyshop owner would usually cackle at the ginger's frustration, and would constantly tease him as well as others for a good laugh. That's what made Jack so good with kids, other than his love for toys and trinkets. The blonde had this child-like wonder about him, making the toy enthusiast so innocent and sweet. Elmo saw that wonder start to fade from Jack's eyes as his deep green eyes caught onto the building once again, hanging onto it with a vice grip that wasn't ready to let go. Not now. Not ever.

There was a silence for a few minutes that was broken by the honk of a car behind them. The two friends turned around to see a familiar black 2010 Cadillac with faded purple highlights. The engine stopped purring, and out of the driver's seat door emerged a black woman with a big curly poof of hair tied back in a high ponytail. She had gold piercings in her ears that matched the thin gold chain around her neck. The female shut the car door and walked up to the two men, waving a bit as she did so.

"You're fashionably late per usual, Lyra," Elmo told her as he intertwined their hands together.

"And you're uncharacteristically early," Lyra, Elmo's girlfriend, retorted as she lightly squeezed the electrician's hand before she looked at Jack sympathetically, "Are you going to be okay Jackie?"

The blonde frowned at that, and looked back at his building - no, not his anymore - the cash register being pulled closer to his chest. Jack nodded, "Yeah, I think I'll be okay. After a little while, anyways," He looked back at Lyra and Elmo with a small smile, "I'll get it back someday."

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