Chapter 4

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Shadow was prepared to die. He always was. Death was an old acquaintance of his, and he relished the welcoming arms of Death. More often than not, he'd be sitting at Death's doorstep, waiting for Death to claim him.

The only frustrating thing? Death wouldn't take him in. No matter how much he was injured, he somehow seemed unable to die. Indestructible. Naturally, he didn't want to die; nope, he much preferred to live any day, but living in hell for two thousand years or death? Man, Shadow had a hard time choosing.

Like, he knew she was dead, but he would never give up hope. That's what she would've wanted. Never give up.

Shadow closed his eyes as he remembered the last words he spoke to his sister before he...disappeared. Left her. Shadow felt terribly guilty, but knew it was better that way. Less suffering and pain for others. And he couldn't let the secret get, on purpose or not.

His eyes snapped open as he sensed the two demigods limping over to him.

He stood up. "Ready?" His eyes scanned the rocky cliffs for any sign of danger.

He set off at a brisk pace, Percy and Annabeth following him.

During the 'walk', Shadow let his mind wander.

If Percy is the son of Poseidon as he claims, that makes him my sort of half-half brother, Shadow mused. Well, at least that's close to what he thought. There was a bit of randomness in his brain.

Hey, look! A telkh—Woah, a drako—Cool! Hellhound!

Yes...He was seriously ADHD...

When they had walked quite a bit, Shadow stopped and looked back. Percy and Annabeth were panting like crazy.

"Come on. Just a bit further, and there's a place where we can stop and rest. From there, I can no longer guide you, but I will call a friend. He knows the way. Follow him. I cannot go further." Shadow said bluntly. Percy and Annabeth nodded.

After a while..."This is it," Shadow announced as they stopped in front of a large shrine. "Is this a Hermes?" Annabeth asked disbelievingly.

Shadow nodded. "Rest now."

"How...?" Annabeth started. "Did a shrine of Hermes end up in a place like this?" Shadow finished the question for her. Annabeth nodded.

Shadow shrugged. "Even I don't really know. It just fell from the clouds one day, and deposited itself right there."

Percy turned to Annabeth. "Wait. That shrine...isn't it the one that used to be in front of the Hermes cabin? The one that fell into the crack in the Battle of the Labyrinth?" Percy asked. Annabeth furrowed her eyebrows. "Well, it does look familiar..."

Shadow led them closer towards the shrine. "Rest," he said. "The Good Titan will show you the way."

Percy and Annabeth cocked their heads, but did not ask anymore questions.

Annabeth promptly fell asleep, and Percy looked at Shadow, who had sat down on a rock, carving something out of a block of wood.

"So, uh, how long do you think you've been down here?" he asked, trying to make small talk. Shadow shrugged. "I don't know. As I've said before, it's difficult to measure time in Tartarus. Very difficult."

Percy nodded. "Okay then. Who's your friend that you said would help guide us? A 'Good Titan'?" He asked.

Shadow threw back his head and laughed heartily. "Well, you've actually met him before. He was known as Iapetus before.Now, I think his name is Bob," Shadow said with a faint smile, as a Titan dropped from the sky.

Percy's jaw dropped as he ran towards Bob. "Bob!" He shouted, hugging the Titan as tight as he could.

Shadow's eyes twinkled. It had been a long time since he had seen his old friend.

"Bob," he said, standing up. Bob lumbered over to him, a grin plastered over his face. "Shadow Friend," he boomed. Percy cocked his head. "How do you know him?" He asked. To which being he asked was a mystery to Shadow, but he replied.

"A secret," he said, smirking slightly.

Then he turned. "Well, I have to go now. Bob will lead you to the Doors of Death. May the Great Forest watch over you and light your path," he called as he turned and vanished into the darkness.

Sorry for the short chapter! This one's more of a filler, a bridge to gap the events between when Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus and meet Shadow, and when they escape.

Random question: Can anyone guess who Shadow's sister is? If you do, you are a genius.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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