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The grey-haired man moved further into the room, each floorboard creaking under the added strain of his muscular form. Your eyes followed him as his colossal form collapsed onto the bed, which groaned underneath his weight. Your eyes took in the room around you: a small desk, a chair, one window, a closet, one bathroom, a lamp, and one queen-sized bed occupied by a large man taking off his shoes. You stayed rooted to your spot, almost entirely motionless. Being alone with Uvogin in this room made you feel like a cornered animal and put you into a paralyzing primitive state of 'if I stay still, he will not see me.'

"Come here." Came an order from Uvogin; his voice felt less authoritative than Chrollo's, but there was still an underlying harshness there.

You had just now noticed that Uvogin held in his arms a familiar bag: your bag.

"For you to change." Uvogin held out the sack to you, and you quickly approached to take it.

Uvogin yawned and pointed to the door leading to the bathroom.

"The bathroom is over there. Don't be long, though. I want to go to sleep."

You nodded as you speed-walked to the restroom. There was only one thing on your mind: you had your bag back. Your stomach twisted with anxious excitement, and an almost unreasonable hope that your cell phone would still be inside the bag somehow sparked up inside you. Then, you could start planning your escape. Of course, you weren't so lucky, because as you dug your hand into pocket after pocket, all you found was your toiletries and the clothes. No cell phone, no hunter's license, and certainly no weapons. 

'Of course, they would take all of those out. I bet it was Shalnark, too.' 

While the disappointment lingered, you didn't let it discourage you; this was still a step in the right direction. They were beginning to trust you or show you they were open to working with you rather than holding you hostage for the rest of your life. This, you wouldn't take for granted. Besides, you finally get to shower with hot water and be in an actual bathroom rather than a sketchy basement with a murderer in the same room. Granted, this was a sketchy hotel room with a murderer across a wall from you, but still a step up.

You were happy to be able to use your own toiletries. Going through your methodical nighttime routine, which was the same ever since you were a teenager, provided a sense of normalcy in this crazy situation. Given the choice, you would have stayed in that tiny bathroom forever, but unfortunately, a sharp knock from across the room and a quick "Hurry up!" from Uvogin pulled you down to earth again. As you pulled a clean, loose shirt over your body, you couldn't help but look at the large '11' spider on your lower back. This was the largest of all your soulmarks, which fit Uvogin perfectly. Your fingers ran over the mark gently, and your skin prickled. You had to admit that, over time, you had begun to feel a pull toward your soulmates. It was a very illogical but very physical feeling of longing. A feeling that you pushed down every time it arose in your throat or your stomach. Consciously, you hated them for the way that they had completely wrecked your life and then asserted their dominance in it as if you existed for them. Still, the strings of fate that tied you to each other have been slowly tightening the more you spent in their presence. 

You pushed off the oncoming feeling once again, exiting the room.

Uvogin now stood at the door with the heavy closet in front of it. Clearly, while you daydreamed in the restroom, he had occupied himself by blocking off the only entry and exit to the room. 

"How was your spa, tiny?" Asked Uvogin. 

You cringed slightly at the nickname.

"It was fine." You said finally.

"Good. Now go to sleep." Said Uvoigin, finally finishing the adjustment of the closet in front of the door.

"Where am I going to sleep?" you asked. Uvogin faced you, and his hazel eyes looked at you with confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"There's only one bed, which I assume you're taking. So, where do you want me to sleep?"

Uvogin chuckled, which soon turned into a laugh. Out of any member of the Phantom Troupe, you noticed Uvogin laughed the most. His laughter was breathy and loud, and you noticed how his large body shook with each chuckle. As his laughing died down and your eyes met his hazel eyes, he said the words you had been least looking forward to hearing.

"You'll sleep with me in the bed." He said with a smile.

Uvogin watched the immediate shift in your facial expression: your eyebrows furrowed in deep concern, and the corners of your lips stretched into a worried frown. You looked deeply disconcerted. Uvogin understood why exactly, sharing a bed with a phantom troupe member? He could only imagine the assortment of horrible things running through your mind at that moment. Of course, that didn't stop his ego from feeling a little bruised by your reaction. You were his soulmate, so shouldn't you be jumping for joy at the idea of being so close to him? He was looking forward to it, and while he logically understood your hesitancy, he still mostly peeved at it. 

"Can't I sleep on the floor?" You said finally, your eyes glued to the red carpet at your feet.

"No." Was the immediate response from Uvogin.

"Why not?" You asked in response.

"Because you're under my supervision tonight, and I already decided." 

That didn't answer your question: it only told you that your rejection hurt Uvogin's ego. You opened your mouth to say something else but were cut short by the pair of strong arms scooping you up to move you to the bed. 

"Don't worry; I won't hurt you if you stay put. Just don't try to climb out the window or anything, then I'm gonna have to hurt you," Said Uvogin in what you assumed was his best attempt to allay your fears.

You were sat on the soft surface of the bed now. 

"Very comforting, thank you." You said, your voice dripping with sarcasm

Uvogin chuckled before sitting on the edge of the bed, which sunk under his weight. 

"I'm not as bad as I look, y/n." Said Uvogin. His voice was a little quieter than before as he reached for the light switch on the lamp, and the room was plunged into darkness.

Ill-Fated (Phantom Troupe x Reader) [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now