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[Name] kingscholar

–Age: 16 – Gender: Male – Species: Lion beastman – 

-Character description-

 He has short fluffy hair that is black as the sky at night, his eyes are a dark green color almost like the trees, some patches on his skin are rough but the other half is smooth and his enter skin is covered in freckles, he also has a scar on the left side of his face it starts at the edge of his jaw and goes up to his nose, he has chubby cheeks, his lashes are long and full, he has quite a dark tan like his older brother leona, he's build is quite tall about 187cm, he's also quite strong so he has some muscle on him, his body is also covered in scars ether from training or fights 

–Personality traits–

-positive traits-

Kind but doesn't show it, loyal, sensitive, open minded, creative, responsible, strong willed

–negative traits–

Quick tempered, anxious, greedy, impatient, rude, fearful of being betrayed 

–Just oc questions that i've answered and think will help you understand the character better–

All the questions are from your.oc.stuff on tiktok

How well do they remember their childhood?

He doesn't remember much of his childhood so not to well

What is in their fridge?

Well the fridge he shares with his siblings [there not his blood siblings it will be explained in the story i promise] always has some stupid shit in it 

Where will/did/would they die?

I don't plan to have him die any time soon but if i had to chose it would be somewhere beautiful  

Do they use any nicknames?

His siblings call him many things like kitty, boss, and many more

How would they describe themselves, how would their friend/love interest and how you would describe them?

He would describe himself as cold, rude, and just not likable, his siblings not by blood would describe him as lovable, gentle, loyal, and they could go on and on, i would describe him as quite short tempered, he can look cold and uncaring but he really is caring and gentle, loyal 

-Thank you so much if you still have this book on your list or anything else i know that i haven't updated this book in a long time and i'm greatly sorry for leaving you all in the dark a lot has been going on for expel right as i was going to get started on this book school decided that i wasn't going to school enough, it was because i've been having a lot medical stuff going on that required me to miss school, so i've been on my “best behavior” but that wasn't enough so they have been on my ass but since school is almost over i have found myself with quite a lot of free time since testing is over so i'm going to try do as much as a can for this book and i might also be putting this and future work i also will probably post another book it might be BSD-

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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