Many unlikely events

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The doorman wasn't there to greet Anastacha when she entered the building. The glass window that protected the doorman was smashed. The doorman sat in his chair. He didn't pay attention to Anastacha. He didn't even blink or move at all. He was pale,and his neck was bent in an unnatural position. “Mmm…doorman?” she shuddered as she put her hand through the broken glass and tapped him. Her eyes widened. He felt colder than the room already felt. His dark brown eyes were empty and lifeless, as if they were water full of bacteria, waiting to infect you. He was completely limp and unmoving.

Anastacha was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a cry coming from upstairs. “LEAVE!” it was the voice of Angus, the business man that lived on the floor below her. She saw him around, hanging out with her father sometimes. She was smart enough to know that a Doppelganger was the cause of the doorman's death. Anastacha shuddered. “Shit…My mom is up there. I should check if she's ok.” she didn't want to get killed, not today at least. but she eventually decided to go up anyway.

Anastacha took the lift to the 4th floor. The lift shook as she went up. The lights flickered, making her nauseous. Everything went dark. She could feel the fear in the air. The storm had made the power go out, so she couldn't see exactly where she stepped. There was no noise except for the sounds of the storm and the creeping of windows. She stepped on something and heard a wet crunch. She had arrived at her apartment. It was too dark to see anything. Anastacha felt around trying to find the door handle
Her shoe felt wet from whatever dark substance she had stepped on, but it made her foot feel warm. The door let out a loud creek as she opened it. “Mom….?” She whisper-shouted, her voice was hoarse. “h-hello???”


“COME HERE…!” Steven teased the monster. The Doppelganger stared at him with what should have been his eyes. His black eyes sockets gazed at Steven like a void. This doppelganger looked just like the milkman that lived on the 3rd floor. The only differences were that he didn't have eyes. He had black eye sockets, and two white glowing dots for eyes. This Doppelganger's mouth was always wide open with a big smile. Sometimes tears made out of A black blood-like substance would come out of its eye sockets. A less noticeable detail is that it didn't have a nose. Steven Rudboys was in his bathroom. Angus hid behind the large door.

“Hey! Doppler!” The Doppelganger locked eyes with Steven. This Doppelganger looked harmless at first. After it killed Nacha, its appearance became less human-like. Poor nacha. Steven already missed nachas kindness. He knew that when her daughter found out she would be the most devastated. The Doppelganger lunged at Steven, and Angus slammed the door. The floorboards creaked. Steven has sacrificed himself for the rest of the building. The click of a lock was heard. Steven felt like he had to be a hero. The Doppelganger grabbed onto one of his arms, and all the strength disappeared from his body.

“Hooooooooooon…” the Doppelgangers claws were making deep cuts in Stevens arms. The monster's smile grew. “hooon” it spoke again. Blood tricked down his arm and dipped onto the floor. The Doppelganger slowly twisted his arm, and then yanked.

Angus could hear Stevens' screams from the floor below him. He shuddered. “Poor Steven…or was it steve..?” Angus felt bad. He had killed one of his neighbors by using him as bait. Angus called the D.D.D. and they said they would be arriving soon. Angus could hear the shrieks as his neighbors' limbs were torn off one by one.

The Doppelganger smiled bigger at his victim.
“W-well…at least you can't escape…! Ahaha!” Steven said with all the strength left in his body. Judging by the amount of blood all over the bathroom, he would soon die from blood loss. He could already feel himself losing consciousness. He heard a crash. The Doppelganger had smashed the door. “damn it…I guess my death will be in vain…” the Doppelganger looked at him and smiled. He felt comfortable. Francis' Doppelganger's wild smile and the black tears dripping from his eyes were the last thing Steven Rudboys would ever see.

Angus' heart sank when he heard the screaming stop. He knew that meant his friend Steven was gone. At least Angus himself would be safe. That's all that mattered to him.

“Angus?” He heard His friend Francis’ daughter's tired low voice. He spun around, and saw the outline of Anastacha. “Wh-wheres the Doppelganger…?” Her voice was shaking.
“Don't worry kiddo. He's locked in the Rudboys apartment.” He said, trying to cheer her up. “I called the D.D.D! They should be here soon!” Angus had an unsettling feeling in his gut.

Anastacha usually acted rude to angus. She found him rather annoying. He was so stuck up and self centered. He was always smiling like he was better than everyone else. They were forced to work together, in order to survive.

“Why don't you go to your room…I'll check if the D.D.D has arrived yet.” Angus said in a serious tone. “what?! Clearly you're not thinking about me.” Anastacha glared at Angus' silhouette. “It's dangerous to be alone.”

They got onto the lift. It was too dark to see the buttons. Angus had memorized where the buttons were. He felt the buttons until he found the one that brought them to the main floor. The elevator shuddered. A loud snap came from the elevator. Time seemed to slow down. Everything started spinning. They were falling. Anastacha couldn't move. “GRAB ONTO THE RAIL!” Anastacha heard Angus' voice in the distance. Suddenly there was a loud thud. The floor shook. “ANASTACHA!”

“WHAT? OH SHIT…!” she was sprawled on the floor, her arm in immense pain. “Ah!!! My arm!!!” she held her arm. The bone was poking out of her tan skin. “WHAT THE FUCK!?”

Angus helped her up and pressed the button to open the elevator. “Those D.D.D people..they suck.” Angus groaned. “Why aren't they here??? Arghhh…”

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