Final Fantasy one shot for a break from Mha and sad stuff

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As we rode through the muddy lake, I sat there silent. Aerith called out “Hey, we're almost back on land.” She darted ahead on her chocobo, Tifa following close behind.
          “Come on slowpokes!” Aerith called back to us, a wide grin on her face. The two girls soon got on land, hoping off their chocobos and walking away from them as they shook the water off. “Kweh!” My chocobo called, making sure I knew we were on land. Mere seconds after I hopped off my chocobo, the ground began to shake. “What’s going on?!” Aerith yelled, gripping onto Tifa for balance. Eyes rose up from the lake and knocked both of them on the ground. Putting Aerith on one side and Tifa on the other. I could tell it was ready to attack whichever one I didn't grab, which made me mull over which one I wanted to save more.

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