Chapter Four

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Charlie and the group walked into the Burrow just as Molly slid from her room in search of her children. She had planned another head count to be sure that everyone was still safe. As she turned into the kitchen, having heard voices, Molly found her second eldest stood with his back to her, telling Bill about some new dragon the reserve just got in. Tears stung her eyes as she saw that her son was home, safe and sound. A heavy weight left her shoulders, but the hollow spot in her heart still left her weak. The day she brought home Ginny was the day her little home felt complete. Then came Harry, ten years later, and a year after that, Hermione joined their little family, as time passed, Fleur, Luna, Neville, and so many others had come to call the Burrow their second home. Now, Molly had lost a son. Fredrick Gideon Weasley would never fill the halls of the burrow with laughter again. Her arms wrapped tight around Charlie's waist, her sobs vibrating his back. Turning quickly, Charlie caught his mother in a warm and comforting hug. He rubbed her back and held onto her as if he were a kid again. Once more, Molly thanked Merlin her little dragon tamer was home safe and sound. "Charlie, I'm so happy you're okay."

"It's okay, Mum. It hurts now, but it'll be okay." Charlie smiled sadly as he hugged his mother even tighter and lowered his voice to a bare whisper, "Don't worry, Mum, Freddie's gonna be okay. He has Lily and the Marauders, Dumbledore, Tonks, and Moody, too. You've kept Harry healthy and happy in this world while Lily watched from the other side; I guarantee that she's got Freddie feeling right at home."

As she listened to her second eldest son, Molly began to wonder how she got so lucky that her son seemed to know exactly what to say and when to say it. The red haired mother thought of her missing son, him meeting his heroes, him meeting Lily, Lily's warm smile as she took him in. The very idea of him having a family ready to greet him on the other side eased her mind a great deal. Suddenly, Molly realized each of her kids had families waiting for them in both realms. The Marauders, Lily, Tonks, and so many others in the afterlife would greet them one day with a grinning Fred, but this world held her kids' future families. The thought left her wondering who the kids were meant for. "Alright, now that Charlie's here, let's discuss these marks. Bill and Fleur match, Ginny got Harry, Ron found Pansy, Theo and Lavender are together, but we still have George, Percy, Blaise, Hermione, and Charlie to figure out. So, what are your marks?"

"Mum," Bill cut in suddenly. He pulled her to the side of the room and bent down to whisper in her ear so the others couldn't hear. "I know who Charlie's is; you can cross him and his match off your list."

"What are you saying, Bill?"


Molly took in the info shared to her. Turning to look her eldest in the eye, she saw only sincerity. The brightest witch of the age was paired off with the most stubborn and reckless child she had. Life was never going to be boring with those two, that was for sure, but Molly had to decide either to sit back and let them find each other or to meddle. She chose to do both. "Charlie, honey, could you go get Hermione, please? She's in your room, but you'll have to help her, side effect from the mark. She's a bit weak at the moment."

"Yes, Mum." The red haired dragon of a man took the stairs two at a time in a hurry to complete his task. Secretly, he had missed the bookworm. She was always so curious of the dragons and he had some questions for her. Bill had told him that the little genius had ridden a dragon to escape after breaking into Gringotts. The very idea was exhilarating for the dragon tamer.

As soon as he was out of hearing range, Molly sent a look to Bill, who burst out laughing. "This will be interesting."

"What's up, Molly?" Harry asked as he watched the woman who was like a mother to him plot something evil. The look alone left Harry feeling quite uncertain for the poor man who just bound up the stairs and a little scared for those still in the room.

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