Chapter 4: The end of the school year and big news.

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And just like that, Valerie's first year at Hogwarts ended. While everyone was thinking of the holidays, she and Harry both had some news. Harry finally found some family, except for his sister. Sirius Black.

Harry's PoV

I am so happy, right now. The whole year was a mess, but guess what. I have a godfather. Right now, he was about to escape but I couldn't let him go without asking about that girl, who claims to be my sister. And yes, I still can't call her sister, she always talks to no one. Such a traitor.

"Hey Sirius. Can I talk to you about something really important before we help you and Buckpeak escape?"

"Sure, Harry. What's it about?"

"So, you probably don't know, but there's a girl at Hogwarts, who claims to be my sister, but I don't believe her. She has red hair and kinda my father's eyes. She does look familiar, but she's a Slytherin."

Sirius visibly paled. I wonder what is with her.

"Harry, my boy. I can only tell you a few things. First of all, yes, she is your sister. Twin sister actually. And secondly, don't talk to her. I'll explain it in an letter as soon as I'm safe, but please do not interact with her. She's up to no good."

I was shocked. So Valerie was my real sister, we were twins. I can't believe it... I just nodded and Sirius walked out. I followed him shortly after, still not able to speak.

After he escaped, I told Ron and Hermione about our conversation. They were quite shocked too. But since Sirius said to stay away from her, I don't need to feel bad for treating her badly. Ron even told the twins to play another prank on her. I just hoped, Sirius would write to me soon.

Valerie's PoV

I was happy that this school year was finally over. I had to work two jobs in these Holidays. But I was so happy to get away from that place. I spent so much money this year, just to get everything that people destroyed repaired or new. I didn't have a place to stay, just my room in Hogsmeade.

I was trying to sneak in the common room, when I heard a lot noises. And I ran. Loud noises around me where never good sign. Just as I was thinking that, somebody jinxed me, so I was floating in the air, then they started to throw things at me. I recognized the twins voices and Draco's voice.

"Weasels... Well this is the smartest thing you guys have ever done."

"Thanks little Malfoy. At least you have a sense of humor, unlike your sister, who put us in detention for hanging Miss trailer here on a flag mast."

"You still don't get to talk about my sister like that. Now hand me that rock, I want to throw it at her."

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, George Fabien Weasley and Fred Gideon Weasley. Put Potter down or I'll make you stay for the summer holidays."

I almost started crying, after Evelyn just saved me again. She really was an angel. I was let down and everyone was send away by Evelyn. She didn't smile at all, which was unusual. Even if she was strict, Evelyn was one of the most nicest and happiest Slytherin girl.

"Go clean yourself up, we'll meet in a few."

(time skip)

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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