Chapter 12

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Everything was perfect about this morning and she was patiently waiting for him to take notice of her when he stated. "Maria, I am to listen to this audio without any interruptions. If you want you can go and have breakfast. I don't do breakfast until late."

"No, I am fine without breakfast too." Emilio stared at her blankly. And, it did take Maria a moment before she realized that he wanted her to leave him alone. Her cheeks were tainted red in embarrassment and mouth out of words. Can't she be looking at him when he was working? Was she such a hassle for him that he couldn't even stand her presence?

"Do you want me to arrange someone for you to go shopping with you? You can check out any restaurants for breakfast...." Emilio offered but Maria was quick to get her smile back as she assured. "Oh, don't worry about me. I will get with my morning too." She got up from her place and was about to leave. But then turned around to assure. "You don't always have to worry about my day. I have things lined up too." This one did get Emilio's attention. "Like what?"

Maria was about to reply but then she asked amused. "Why do you care?"

"I would want that you don't have plans I don't know about."

"But you did say that you would inform me prior if you would need me for anything." She noticed Emilio's eyes sparkle for a moment. "You remembered?"

"Yea, also, my plans include yoga and some online classes." Emilio nodded but didn't show any interest in what was she talking about. "Good," His answer was short before he got busy with his work.

Maria did spend her morning doing skincare before she started with her yoga. As cheesy as it may sound Emilio walked on her when she had her instructor posing them to stretch her arm out for the flying positing with her leg in the air.

Emilio stood there realizing it was going to be a task to ignore her. He had tried his best to focus on his work and not look at her but this curvy woman could make anyone turn their heads. And, she was his wife. He wanted to take her right there not caring about her class. He had finished his work to take a bath but already knew he had to push it back. He was going to take a shower but not before having a good reason to take a bath.

"When does this finish?" Emilio's voice was low but was enough for her to catch. Maria lost her balance and fell on the rug. Her teacher who was busy with many of her students didn't comment and gave her some time to return to her position. Emilio walked ahead and offered her his hand.

"This is so embarrassing," Maria mumbled.

"No, this is not. You not in a class where you are the only student surely is." Maria narrowed her eyes and asked him, "What?"

"Nothing," Emilio realized in time he didn't have any right to make a comment on her lifestyle. She was his temporary wife. He wasn't going to be with her forever. It wasn't his call to choose what she would do with his money or not.

"You good?" He asked changing the topic.

Maria replied, "Yea," But was quick to notice that he didn't let go of her waist.

Emilio asked, "When your online class is..." Emilio's eyes on her mouth made her gulp and she replied. "Now,"

"Good," He whispered all the while closing in and Maria was quick to tell him. "Let me get the shower first. I am drenched."

"You are kidding me. I smell strawberries." The smile Maria had on her face was priceless. She was lost in Emilio's mesmerizing eyes. And, couldn't help but wonder if he ever looked this handsome to her before.

"Maria? You have an audience here." Maria looked at her instructor and couldn't help her laugh. Emilio looked away too. Maria walked ahead to quit the class and looked at him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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