Time off

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Zion clung to A'Riauna like a lifeline, never wanting to let her out of his sight. As they sat together on the plush couch in the cozy living room, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "I just love being with you so much," he murmured, his voice filled with adoration. A'Riauna smiled softly, her eyes meeting his. "I love being with you too, Zion. But sometimes, I just need a little space," she said gently, trying to convey her feelings without hurting him. But Zion's desire to be close to her was overpowering. He nuzzled her neck, planting soft kisses along her jawline. "I can't help it, A'Riauna. You're everything to me," he whispered, his breath tickling her skin.

A'Riauna let out a small sigh, feeling a mix of love and suffocation. "I appreciate your affection, but I also value my space," she expressed, hoping he would understand. Instead of pulling away, Zion held her tighter, his grip almost possessive. "I can't bear to be apart from you, A'Riauna. Please, don't ask me to," he pleaded, his voice laced with desperation. A'Riauna closed her eyes, torn between her love for him and her need for freedom. She took a deep breath before gently pushing against his chest. "Zion, we need to do something about this. I need you to respect my boundaries," she said firmly, hoping he would listen. Zion only furrowed his brows and pleaded, "Baby, please don't leave me by myself..." His voice had gotten softer as he left kisses all over A'Riauna's neck.

But this was still a problem, A'Riauna needed her space, and Zion wasn't allowing her to do that. She pushed him away, along with his soft kisses. "Zion, are you even listening to me?" He looked at her with pleading eyes. "Yes." She sighed, "That's not what you're showing..." A'Riauna stood up from the couch, stretching. To which Zion immediately stood up. "Where are you going?" He asked as she rolled her eyes. "To the bathroom." She was getting irritated by these same old actions. "Okay," Zion said walking behind A'Riauna as she walked to the bathroom. She halted before opening the bathroom door. "You're not coming in," She said, holding the door knob.

"Okay," Zion said, yet he looked somewhat upset as if she was going to let him in any way. He sat by the door. A'Riauna stared at him, "You're not sitting there either" Zion groaned. "Can't I do anything?" A'Riauna scoffed at his attitude, she should be the one huffing and groaning. "Can't I do anything alone for a chance?" She said in a mocking tone. She walked into the bathroom slamming the door.
Zion frowned as she slammed the door. He didn't want to be away from her. He stood up and walked to the kitchen to get him a drink. Though he went back to the living room, he eyed the bathroom door like a hawk, waiting for her to come out. Moments later, A'Riauna came walking out of the bathroom shaking her wet hands. Zion's eyes lit with excitement. But before he could jump off of the couch and launch toward her the doorbell rang. He slowly got up from the couch and walked to the door.

Upon opening it, Zion sees one of A'Riauna's friends Anyla and Olivia. They both held a basket in their hand. It was filled with a bunch of random things that Zion had never seen before. He seemed annoyed by their presence and quickly blurted out. "What do you guys want?" They both scoffed and pushed him aside, entering by themselves. "Arii!!" Anyla shouts. "We're here to pick you up, girl!" Olivia shouts right after as she and Anyla place both baskets on the table in the kitchen. A'Riauna walks into the kitchen hugging them both. They seemed loud. Zion covered his ears jokingly before he walked up behind A'Riauna holding her waist. "Where are you guys going to go?" He questioned laying his chin on her shoulder. Oliver laughs, "Somewhere for girls." Zion but the inside of his mouth. If they were going to take A'Riauna he'd be alone. "Does this have to be today? Me and A'Riauna have something planned." Anyla rolled her eyes at his lie. "We've been planning this trip for almost a week."

Zion raised his eyebrows. "Trip?" He had thought they were just going out to shop or eat something. His eyes dart to his love whom he held in his arms. "You guys are going on a trip?" He asks A'Riauna. "Yeah, for about a week," A'Riauna says as she rummaged through the baskets. Zion's heart sank. a week was way too long for him. He didn't know what he would do for a week. He could be with his sister, but it's not the same as being with A'Riauna. He laughed nervously, "Hey, uh... Is, Isn't a week too long, bubs?" He says slowly tightening his grip around her waist. "No?" Olivia said pushing one of the baskets near him. We got these for you in case you forget to feed yourself." Anyla said as A'Riauna and Olivia burst out in laughter. "Here, the instructions are right here-" Olivia bursts into tears. "Ya'll need to stop picking on him." A'Riauna smiled, calming down her laughter.

Zion, however, was still worried. How come he never knew about this? And why for a week? "My bags are upstairs," A'Riauna said, slowly pulling Zion's grip off and walking upstairs with her friends. Zion but his lips, his eyes scanning the baskets they brought. He couldn't even go with her and all he had was these baskets his girlfriend's friends, not her got him. He sighed in frustration, he knew he had separation anxiety but most past it off as over-possessive. Which he was, yet it wasn't as bad as most people would think, or so he thought. He tried to think of every excuse in the book to make her stay as she walked downstairs with her bags. "Ah-" He said as he felt his lip, he had bitten it so hard that he pierced his lip.

A'Riauna handed her friends her bags as they made it downstairs. She walked up to Zion and kissed him on the lips and says, "I love you" before following her friends out of the door. zion looked at A'Riauna with pleading eyes, he wanted her to stay, but he knew she'd refuse.

I guess alone time really does matter. 🤭

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