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Eiry moved around her kitchen in a gentle rhythm, the sound of clinking dishes filling the room as she tidied up after dinner. Her once neatly tied hair was now damp and glistening from her recent shower, droplets delicately cascading down her face. She wore a cozy dress, a loose-fitting garment with a floral pattern that swirled softly with each movement she made, reflecting the warmth and comfort she craved. The air was filled with the lingering scent of her shower, a delicate blend of lavender and vanilla that wrapped around her like a comforting embrace. As Eiry moved with purpose, her eyes occasionally darted towards the entrance where Ryan stood, silently watching her. She could sense his gaze on her, but tonight, her mind was elsewhere. There was an uneasiness in Eiry's movements, a nervous energy that seemed to emanate from within her. Her fingertips brushed against the edge of the counter, her mind drifting back to that morning when she saw Eddie after such a long time. The memory of their brief encounter lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her usual calm demeanor.
Ryan, noticing Eiry's distant behavior, approached her quietly, his presence breaking through her thoughts. With a gentle touch, he turned her to face him, and as their eyes met.

"Do you wanna stop a little and tell me what's bothering you?" He asked, looking in her almond eyes.

"Nothing is bothering me... really..." Eiry forced a smile. The truth was her heart never ceased to beat faster since that morning and her thoughts were incessant.

"You're not usually like this." Ryan insisted. "You're chatty and smiley... you were quiet most of the time while we ate and barely smiled the entire day."

"It's just because of what happened to my friend." Eiry shrugged. "You know this."

"It has nothing to do with Eddie Vedder?" Ryan looked deeply in her eyes. "I saw the way you both reacted. I know you know Stone Gossard. He is married to your best friend. I'm guessing you know Eddie too?" His eyebrow curled.

"No!" Eiry pulled away abruptly. "No... just because I know one of them doesn't mean I know them all." She came back to her task. "I really don't think this conversation is appropriate." She looked at him. "You're pressuring me."

"I could see it, Eiry!" Ryan insisted. "In your eyes... in his eyes... tell me the truth. What's wrong with telling me the truth?"

"Ryan, please..." She begged him. Eiry rested both her hands on his chest and looked in his eyes. "I already agreed to go in the fucking expedition. You got the fucking kayak, isn't it enough? Please..."

"I just want you to know it's alright to talk. It's not only about, business and sex."

"I know."

"Is it because I booked him to do it alone?" Eiry shook her head. "I can go with him, and you go with the group."

"I already said I'd do it."

"He didn't want to join a group." Ryan explained again. "I can go in your place."

"But you already told me I would go because I'm the best." She looked in his eyes. This time she sounded a bit more bitter.

"If it bothers you that much, then I'll go. I'll tell him something came up and we had to switch."

"You had to switch everything! Even the day of the expedition, Ryan!" Eiry added. "Only because he wants to go alone. You should have booked him for another day and not the other way around. That's what would be fair. But because he is a rock star you prioritized him!"

"Maybe..." Ryan nodded.

"That's not how it works." They looked in each other's eyes and fell silent.

"So, you are mad." Ryan softly smiled at her.

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