Chapter Two: DERIN

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The Eve of the Feast of Amphitrite was perhaps the busiest day of the year at the massive, bustling marketplace in the center of the merfolk kingdom of Reddia. Long garlands of shiny pearls and glowing jellyfish lanterns helped create a festive atmosphere, as dozens of mermaids, mermen, and Civilized sea creatures were doing last-minute holiday shopping at the seemingly endless rows of market stalls, which were topped by billowing canopies woven from kelp or brightly colored SeaSatin, even though times were tough in the Scarlet Sea.

The spicy scents of Reddian cuisine filled the crowded, open-water marketplace, as there were food stalls offering sea bean falafel and coral hummus. Vendors, selling a wide variety of jewelry, hair accessories, mirrors, musical instruments, bowls, tools, and so much more, aggressively hawked their wares at passers-by.

Clothing made from SeaSatin, a material derived from a secretion in the shells of a certain species of clam, was particularly popular. Reddian mermaids wore flowing, scarf-like SeaSatin garments on their human upper halves, as opposed to the skimpy seashell bras fashionable in most other merfolk kingdoms, and mermen often wore vests made of either seaweed or SeaSatin, as well as turban-like hats on their heads.

Petty crimes, such as shoplifting, were woefully common in Reddia these days, especially during this time of year. The Reddian Royal Force, the kingdom's law enforcement organization, swam around on patrol, wielding spears.

A small band of young mermen played Feast of Amphitrite carols in the corner of the marketplace, hoping that merfolk would appreciate their music so much that they would toss sand shekels and pearls into the oversized clamshell that was perched on the sand in front of them. Busking was technically legal, but the Reddian Royal Force still tended to view them with suspicion. "Get real jobs!" snarled one stern-faced officer in the Force as he swam by them.

On the opposite side of the lively marketplace from the amateur band, Derin, an 18-year-old merman with a scrawny build, long jet-black hair pulled back into a smooth seahorse-tail, and a purple and gold fishtail, was beginning his own busking performance. Ever since he "graduated" from the overcrowded orphanage, which was run by an all-mermaid monastic order called the Sisters of Amphitrite, three years ago, he had begged for spare change in the marketplace for telling sea nymph tales, along with Darius, his bonded giant seahorse and only friend, who he could telepathically communicate with. Derin was a talented and charismatic storyteller, but in Reddia, it was very hard to make a living in the arts without the support of an upper-class patron.

Derin was generally a pretty shy young merman, but when he told stories, something mysteriously came over him that made him come completely out of his shell. He cleared his throat and raised his voice, competing with the chaotic symphony of the marketplace. "Gather 'round, gather 'round, and lend me your ears, young and old, mer-ladies and gentle-fish! I, Derin, am here to weave a tale, to string a pearl necklace of words, that will leave your scales shivering with excitement!".

He then gestured dramatically to Darius, who puffed out his seahorse chest and flicked his powerful, curly tail. "With my trusty companion, Darius, by my side, we shall dive into the legend of Little Scarlet Scales! Once upon a time, in a wondrous kingdom of coral castles and shimmering kelp forests, there lived a little mermaid named Scarlet Scales. Scarlet Scales was known for her fiery red tail, even brighter than the setting sun over the ocean!"

As usual, Derin's audience consisted primarily of a few bored mer-children and their exhausted parents and guardians, but a pretty mermaid around his age had also stopped to listen to him today. She had big brown eyes, a pleasantly plump physique, and the most gorgeous fishtail he had ever seen in his entire life, covered in jewel-like royal blue and deep violet scales. Her navy blue hair was covered with a simple SeaSatin head scarf.

His heart pounding, Derin described Scarlet Scales venturing out to deliver a basket of coral cookies to her ailing grandmother, who lived on the outskirts of the kelp forest. All of a sudden, his voice dropped to a menacing growl, and he contorted his handsome face into a chilling scowl. "'Greetings, little one', the Great White shark said, 'Where are you headed on such a lovely day?"'

Darius, sensing the shift in the story, darted in front of Derin, bristling with mock aggression. The assembled mer-children shrieked with delight, understanding the giant sea-stallion's portrayal of the menacing shark. The teenage mermaid smiled, her dark eyes sparkling.

Suddenly, a member of the Reddian Royal Force interrupted Derin's story. "Your Royal Highness...uh, I mean, really need to go home now...". He took the comely mermaid by the hand.

He called her "Your Royal Highness"..., thought Derin in shock. Did that mean that she was really the Crown Princess of Reddia in disguise...? Like most so-called "Cave Urchins" in the kingdom, Derin truthfully wasn't the biggest fan of the royal family. King Bahr of Reddia was not, by all accounts, an intentionally malicious merman, but he was unquestionably out of touch with the plight of most of his subjects. Since his wife, Queen Esther, passed away due to the Sea Plague, he had more or less become a figurehead, while the kingdom was actually governed by Lord Yam, the Grand Vizier.

She frowned for a second, and then sighed audibly. "All right, Timin...". Before she allowed the soldier to lead her away, she smiled once again at Derin. She had such adorable dimples. "Great story, sir! You know, my late mother once told me the same story!". For an all-too-brief, magical moment, their eyes met, and a spark of something unexpected ignited within him.

Not many merfolk over the age of ten complimented his storytelling. There was a wide-eyed innocence to the mermaid, who he assumed to be Crown Princess Jewel, that Derin found incredibly endearing.

"Thank you....Your Highness...!" he exclaimed before continuing his story.

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