Chapter 29: Castor and Pollux

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Chapter 29: Castor and Pollux

NOTE FROM THE WRITER: I regret that we have left our characters in danger of the deep lakes of Scotland. Some would call this jumping around in the story, but plots take time to twist, change and evolve into something unexpected. Perhaps even connecting into arguably the most important part of the book. Why's that, you ask? Why is this particular chapter so important? This, dear reader, is where the Author comes into play. This is where I surrender control of the keyboard into her capable hands. I'm sure you'll find it...enlightening. -SL

Chapter 29: Castor and Pollux

The winds gusted across the dark hills of Scotland as Gail Sultan stomped through the never ending mud as the remains caked on his boots. The moon lit his way, a silver lamp in the sky keeping watch on him from above. There was no way he would get across the lake on his own, it stretched for miles, and the blue water was sparkling in the moonlight. A wolf howl cut across the lake, sending chills along his spine. Focus. As soon as his boot hit the waves of the lake, the mountains standing like a chilling backdrop and the castle too far to return. A splash in the distance caught his attention, but surely it was just a crest of a wave passing through. 

He paced around the area, this lake had known magic. Known magic left traces, that was a law in Scriptor Artes Et Mystics. His hands glowed with strands of golden magic, the strength coming from his very heart, which hadn't been strong as of late. Something had gone wrong with his magic, but he wasn't sure what. People perceived him to be an asshole, sure, but it was simply because he was more concerned about his own survival to concern himself with the worries of others. 

Before he could get too lost in his thoughts, a rusty chain appeared from the depths of the lake, splashing up into his hand. He smirked, as if to say- still got it. He dragged the chain to shore, revealing a small wooden boat that looked ready to fall over at any second and capsize, bits of wood already chipping off the ends. 

"Not the best option...." Gail grimaced as he stepped onto the boat and almost sent it hurtling below the waves. "Steady now...that's it." 

His magic floated gently over the wood, holding it in just the right place for him to get comfortable, even magicking a pillow from the castle so he could lie back. If it was to be a treacherous journey, a bit of silk wouldn't hurt. Hopefully, Jillian wouldn't notice. Gail pushed the boat forward with another blast of magic, leaning back on his folded arms as he looked up at the moon. 

For the first time in a long while, he felt calm. Peaceful. If anything was lurking under these waters, surely they would have found him by now. He stole a glance over his shoulder, then summoned a guitar from the castle, strumming the chords in a peaceful melody. He liked to keep his musical side private, and it seemed no one else was on this lake except him. The school song of Scriptor Artes Et Mystics drifted across the breeze, the occasional wolf howl interrupting the chords. 

"Wouldn't mind one of those murders now, eh?" Gail chuckled, strumming another chord. "Bloody hell. Those poor bastards ran off into the woods, couldn't stand the stench of royalty anymore. Can't say I blame them, that Oliver Sinclair is a right piece of work. What do you think they've got in here, the loch ness monster?" 

He threw his head back in a laugh, the strands of his black hair just barely touching the water. And then he screamed out loud. A wet, slimy had tugged his hair forward, the golden strands twirling around the lake. It *couldn't* be a hand; a stray piece of kelp of seaweed, surely. The boat wobbled back and forth, working against his magic. He finally looked down and saw...a face staring up at him. 

His knuckles grew white, the face was blue and the skin peeled of the edges, forming into gills. The hair trailed behind him in long blue tendrils that Gail had mistake for seaweed earlier. The eyes were white, silver orbs matching the glow of the moon's reflection across the lake. The entire lake was deceiving him, he realized as he sent a burst of golden magic into the sky, lighting up the entire area. Hundreds of stretchy blue arms reached out of the water around his ship, trying to capsize him. 

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