💖 If You Were A Fallen Angel 💖

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Requested by ActTasLam

Alastor ❤️

Kinda funny how the two fallen angels in hell is one he hates and the other he would piss her off a lot. In your case however he wouldn't care and he'd just accept you no matter what. After all, everyone has their own secrets

Angel Dust 🤍

He understood why you would hide something like this because he was also afraid you'd judge him for what he does for work. He hugged you and said he'd love you till the day he ends up in double hell

Sir Pentious 🖤

The eggs somehow knew you were a fallen angel. Don't ask, they just knew from the moment they met you. Don't worry though, they all still love being with you. Including Pentious even if he didn't believe them at first

Husk 🩶

Maybe a little angry you kept such a secret from him, but at the same time he tried to be understanding and considered your feelings too

Vox 🩵

He actually felt bad for you and immediately questioned why someone as kind as you would end up in hell and what you did to end up being banished from heaven. He swore to protect you no matter what

Lucifer 💛

If he could tell Vaggie was a fallen angel he could tell you were a fallen angel. He knows what it's like to be banished so he supported you

Baxter 💙

Shocked and didn't know what to say. He felt as if you lied to him because this whole time he thought you were a demon. He needed some time alone in his lab but he loved you anyway and would never want to throw away the relationship

Arackniss 💜

He kind of had a feeling you were a fallen angel. You were too kind to everyone and you were also missing an eye. He wanted to kill the angels who dared to hurt you

Charlie ❤️‍🔥

Little upset you kept something like this from her but after talking it out she accepted you for who you were

Vaggie 💟

Immediately hugged you and told you that everything was going to be okay. She was in your shoes once, she knows the pain

Cherri Bomb 🧡

Her opinion on you didn't change. As long as you were a fun person to be around and she gets to chill with you she doesn't care who or what you are

Velvette 🤎

Half angry, half supportive. She doesn't like it when people keep secrets from her. After going to social media for some advice she had a talk with you and told you that she would love you even if you had no arms or legs. For the rest of the day she spent time with you doing your nails or makeup and whatever else you wanted

Rosie 🩷

She loved you even more after you told her. She thinks that you're unique and you shouldn't be ashamed of who you are. What matters more is what's on the inside

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