I hate my life

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Allison pov

"Alli table six pancakes and eggs"
"OK on it"
I grab the tray and walked to the table with a smile and placed it down "thank you "
"Your welcome do you need syrup "
She shock her head no
I nodded and went back to the kitchen "what u cooking tif"
Tiffany was my work bestie and forever friend we met at my old job and she was the one who offered me this job am always grateful for her pulling me out of that sh*t hole .
"An omelet am really hungry want one"
I nodded she flipped the egg in the pan and into the plates "show off " I mumbled she winked at me and we burst out laughing "uhh" a gasp quieted us as we turned to see Lisa tif and I ,never liked her cause she acts all mighty cause she's dating the boss "what are guyz doing tables need to be cleaned  get to work"
Tif  rolled her  eyes and pushed past
Her I was about to do the same when she said "watch it slut"i was raged "WHAT .DID.YOU.JUST.SAY" she smirked "I said Watch it..........SLUT"
I raised my hand to slap her but tif grabbed me pulling me outside "wah the hell yah do tif yuh ago mek dah bitch deh disrespect mi suh " tif laughed and said "wow she really drew the jamaican out of you huh" I calmed but I was still mad .
How dear she call me  that just because I was a stripper and gave lap dance and all that , but I never had sex with any of them or anyone at that and it's not like I had a choice I didn't I had to ,just to survive my mom died in a car accident and my dad became a gambling drunkard so I had to work while going to school at 17. Things were going as usual I got requested to dance I went into the V.I.P room the guy was really drunk and tried to rape me but tif burst In cursing at him calling him a cheater I realized she was his girlfriend she saved me and offered me this job I only told tif and the boss about this as I needed to for the interview and she was my bestie.
"You cool now" "yeah"
She nodded .

Our shift ended at 8°clock we changed packed and left "bye boo see you tmrw"
"Bye tif"
I started walking because my apartment was only a few blocks away.
I turned on my music and started swaying my hips to the beat humming to the song I loved singing and dancing but I knew that my long dream would never be true so I just lived in reality.
"Psst nice moves cutie"
I ignored them
"Hey i know you heard me"
I felt a hard tug on my hair it was in a ponytail
"Let me go yo asshole"
They laughed
"Now you can talk"
"I could always talk I just like ignoring "

His jaw twitched and he raised his hand to slap me while I tried pulling my hair from his grip but I just cried out as his palm collied with my cheek then another then another I cried and screamed for help but his friend covered my mouth I bit his hand "u bitch" he cursed as he raised his hand to slap me but  a voice stopped him .
"I think its best if you let her go"
They smirked at me
"And why would we do that"
"Cause I said so"
They turned recognizing the voice I just stared confused
"Dr........Dr.Garcia w....we....we  were just playing right girl"

I just stood there as he let go of my hair I felt like I was gone fall because he had such a tight grip on my hair but strong arms encircled my waist holding me up I turned to come face to face with the most beautiful man ever he had bright blues that made the sky jealous, a sharp jaw line with a slight stubble on his chin.and the most plump pink lips I have ever seen They moved but I heard nothing.
"Are you ok"
It finally came through
I said as I eased out of his hold
"AM sorry about them they are always like this but don't worry I won't hurt you"
I never thought you would
"It's ok I am just glad u got here before they killed me"
He nodded "do you live near here?"
He asked I nodded "mind if I walk you home to make sure your safe" I blushed like crazy in the darkness thank God he couldn't see my face but I could see his "thank you"
I said as he asked "where to"

SORRY FOR THE LONG FIRST CHAPTER but hope you guys like the beginning  so we met Leo but

He hasn't said his name
And we met Allis friends and enemies

Let's see how it go's shall we

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