⛓The Wild Hunt⛓

171 14 1

*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Size Difference, Exophilia, Fellatio, Vaginal Fingering, Feral Behavior]

  "The builders will be taking a few days off due to the weather." Derek stated while going through papers on the table.

  "It's been three months already. How long could it possibly take to build a house?" I huffed while pouring myself some coffee. I had only dragged myself out of bed a few minutes ago, but Derek had clearly been up for much longer.

  "Well, since I've been keeping them paid and happy, they're almost done. They just don't want to risk getting the trucks stuck in the mud with the rain coming."

  "I want to go see it." I felt excitement spark as I perked up.

  "Oh, now you're happy?" Derek chuckled while glancing at me. How he smiled made my heart flutter. He turned back to the papers, but I didn't stop looking at him.

  Over the past three months, Beacon Hills had been surprisingly quiet. It was driving Scott and Stiles up a wall, seeing the supernatural where it was just natural, while Derek and I took it as a chance to relax and focus on other things. And it also gave me time to think about things other than the next horror to fight.

  "How do you feel about pups?"

  "I like them." Derek responded without looking away from the paper he was writing on.

  "Would you ever like to have one of your own?"

  "I don't know. They're a lot of work and yappy." Derek then paused. "Wait, are you wanting to get a dog?"

  "No." I then took a drink from my mug, and Derek went back to writing. Two seconds passed before his gaze shot up to me, his eyes wide.

  "....You're not talking about dogs, are you?"

  "No, I'm not." Derek went silent again as he stared at me. I walked over and took a seat at the table across from him. "I'm the last Fenris alive. And given I cannot infect others the way a werewolf can, that leaves me with only one option if I don't want my kind to go extinct." Setting my mug on the table, I then crossed my arms. "And we both know I can't do that alone."

  He still said nothing while looking like a deer caught in headlights.

  "I'm asking if you want children, Derek. Not right now, of course. In a few years, maybe." I mused while glancing down at my coffee. Derek seemed to relax a little but still looked shocked.

  "I...." He shifted in his seat and averted his gaze as his brows knit together. "This isn't really something to be coming from out of nowhere with."

  "It's not coming from nowhere. Ever since we started planning our house, you've been saying stuff and acting strangely when certain topics come up. It makes me think that you do want pups. I thought I'd just outright ask you and let you know how I feel about it."

  "You haven't said how you feel about it." Derek looked at me while leaning on the table with his arms crossed. "You only mentioned an obligation to avoid extinction."

  "....Oh. I was trying to say it in a gentler way since you were already shocked. Maybe I should've stuck with being direct." I leaned on the table and looked Derek in the eye. "I would like you to father my future pups. When I think about breeding, you're the only one I would want to do that with." The tips of his ears began to gain a pink hue.

  "Yeah, how about we leave out the term 'breeding' for this conversation?" Derek ran his hand down over his face.

  "Why? Do you not want to breed me?" My question made Derek's gaze snap back to me with his pupils dilating. His eyes were sharp and his jaw clenched.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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