Chapter 22 You Can't Ignore me

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Zayn's POV

Did she really just walk away from me like that? 

She walked away from me. 

"Dude, that sucks." Styles chuckles beside me. I look over at him, sending him a hard glare and huffed in annoyance. 

"You mad?" He asks, still with an ugly smirk on his face.

"No, I could care less." I say as I pick up my coffee cup. I do actually care though, not a lot. But, somewhat in a way. 

Should I not care though? 

I look over to the cashier to see Belle rearranging some money. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back and her hazel eyes shined. She knew I was looking at her because there was a small tint on pink swept on her cheeks. 

"She is a stunner." Styles complimented. 

"I know she is." I whisper. 

Belle's POV

After a long day at work I'm finally home. 

I kick my shoes off and throw my bag on the floor, and of course take my bra off. 

Sine you know, it's the best thing a girl can do when they get home. It literally is the best thing, besides food. 

I slip on a white t-shirt and some yoga pants and jump into my bed. I take a deep sigh and engulf myself in my fluffy blanket. 

"Belle! Open up!" Casey yells as she pound on my door.

"It's the sexy police!" Logan yells as well. 

I groan and make my way to my door, turning the handle to see my two bestfriends with sushi. 

"We brought you food." Casey smiles as she puts the bag on the counter. 

"You guys are seriously the best." I hug Casey and grab the chopsticks out of the bag.

"Duh, we already knew that." Logan laughs as he gives me a small kiss on the cheek. I opened up the container to see perfect sushi rolls, along with some edame. 

"How's your day so far?" Casey asks as she grabs a crunchy roll. 

"Eh, I ran into Harry and.. Zayn today." I grumble as I grab a small soy sauce packet.

"That must've been something." Logan snickers. 

"Let's move onto another subject, please." I plea. 

"But the Zayn subject is so fun." Logan whines and Casey giggles. 

"You ready for that test next week?" Casey asks. 

"Aw crap, I forgot about that test." I groan. 

Casey and I have this really big test coming up. It's half of our grade so, it's either you pass or die. Which is no big deal, please hint the sarcasm. 

I haven't even tried to prepare for it yet.

"Have you looked at the study guide?" Casey questions.

"By looking at it you mean just glancing over it, and then throwing it in the corner right?" I grab a piece of salmon and smack Logan's hand away from the shrimp tempura. 

"You need to start Belle." Casey scolds lightly.

"Yeah, you want to pass that class don't you?" Logan chimes in.

"Excuse me! You are Mr. I'm going to wing it." I say as I punch his arm. 

"True true, but I pass every damn test." He declares proudly.

"Barely." Casey giggles. 

Casey and Logan left after a bunch of episodes of Friends that we watched. 

So here I was now; alone. 

I decided to take Casey's advice and to somewhat prepare for the big test next week. 

I sat in front of my laptop with my notebook in my lap and a cup of coffee beside me. I bit the end of my pen in frustration. 

I grabbed the study guide and automatically got a headache just looking at it. I flip through the pages in my textbook and just sighed. 

I need a break. 

I decide to go get the mail, because why not. I got nothing else to do anyways. 

I grab my keys and look at my phone for the time, 9:52pm.

As I close my door to my apartment I try to slip on my nikes. 

"Belle." Zayn calls out. 

Are you being serious right now. 

I finally slip on my nikes and began to just walk away. I could hear him call my name a few more times, which made me walk even faster to the elevator.

I press the button frantically, praying in my head that'd it'd just open. 

The elevator finally dinged and I ran inside, yet just as it was about to close Zayn slid in.  

Great, just great.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asks grabbing my arm. I try to get out of his grip but he just held on tighter. 

I refuse to speak, so I simply turned my head to the other side. 

"Still trying to ignore me?" He chuckles. 

I bite the inside of my cheek and look at the screen above to see we haven't reached the bottom floor yet. I know elevators are slow and all, but they are not this slow! 

I was suddenly pushed up against the elevator wall, the bar behind me hitting the lower part of my back slightly. Zayn was pressed up in front of me, hold my wrists to the side. I shift my head to the other side and try not to panic. 

"Belle, you know you can't ignore me." He whispers in my left ear. I squeeze my eyes shut and shiver at the tone of his voice. 

"S-stop." I manage to say. I feel like my heart is about to explode out of my chest.

"Are you scared?" He whispers again to my ear but closer so that I could feel his hot breath. 

I tried to pry my wrists out of his grip but he just chuckled and pushed himself to me closer. I look into his eyes and he winks at me. 

"Like I said before Belle, you can't ignore me. Don't even try." He smirked and let go of my wrists. 

The elevator doors open and I push past him and stumble out. I made my way to the mail box area and could hear Zayn's footsteps still behind me. 

I grab my keys and try to open my mail box, but I was so flustered that I began to shake. 

I felt Zayn's warm hand over mine, I look at him and he takes my keys away. He put the key into the mail hole and twist slowly. 

"Thanks." I grumble.

"Not a problem." He smiles as he hands my keys back and strides away. 

Hi loves! I haven't updated in forever, so so so sorry about that! I've just gotten back from chicago and man I miss it so much! I've reached over 5k reads and over 500 votes, omg! Thank you guys so much for the support! I've noticed that I have gotten more comments and new readers! Make sure to follow me to get more updates to see when I'm updating! Also, message me! I'd love to hear some feedback so don't be shy! New goal: 100 reads 25 votes 

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