If it's Loving that you want

376 18 35

POV: Flau'jae
Location: New York

"I'm outside, I'm not going back home" I told the interviewer while laughing and she laughed

"How would you rate your experience in New York so far" she asked me and I smiled

"I always said that I didn't like it but now that I have been staying here I love it, like it's so much to do " I told her and she nodded

"What have you done that's made the experience so good" she asked me and I shook my head

"It's just been a good experience " I told her while ignoring the question and we both laughed

"Thanks so much for doing the interview I hope you continue to enjoy your stay here" she told me while smiling and while ending the interview

"Thanks for having me" I told her while smiling  and I left and I got into the truck

"Ma look" Amara told me while pointing at something on my phone and I saw that it was notification that said that Angel was on live

"It's just a notification, who got Mari" I asked my mother when I noticed that Mari wasn't next to me

"He sleep , you didn't see Ameen carrying him" she asked me and I shook my head

"No, Mara was showing me something but where we going next" I asked her while grabbing my phone from Amara when I saw that she was busy looking out the window

"We about to go back to the hotel so you can relax before your performance " she told me and I nodded

Me and Angel are both booked and busy , she had a game so we decided that the twins were just going to stay with me while I'm in New York and whenever she's not busy we're going back to Chicago

When we got the the hotel me and the twins went into our room and I just laid them down , Amara ended up going to sleep when we were in the car

"She probably on here being messy" i said to myself when I saw that people were sending me Angel's live and I joined it and people immediately started commenting when I did

"Why would y'all send my live to her" Angel asked everybody when she started reading the comments

I told her to add me and I walked over to the desk and I sat my phone up when I started joining

"What you on here doing" I asked her as soon as I joined and she started laughing

"I'm not doing nothing, do you miss me yet" she asked me while changing the conversation

"Of course" I told her while smiling and she smiled and I talked to her some more before she got off of live and I went too sleep

When I woke up I started to get ready for my performance

"Y'all are crazy, I have to go" I told some of my fans while laughing

"Flau'jae y'all have to get that championship "they told me in all seriousness

"I got y'all but I really have to go, I love y'all " I told them while getting into the truck

"We love you too" they told me excitedly and I smiled when we pulled off

"It's loud" Amara told me when we walked into the building and I nodded while agreeing with her

"Y'all are about to go to the dressing room" I told her while walking backstage with everybody

"I'm going to watch the twins , Ameen going to go with you" my mother told me when we got into the dressing room

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