The UA moms: Flora becomes homeless

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Flora exe: hello? Spare change anyone?😟

Lady: No!! Go away you old elderly cunt! *walks away*

Flora exe: damn life on the streets is hard.😐

And then the UA moms and her daughters saw her

Mitsuki: wait Flora is that you?!😨

Flora exe: Oh my god! My daughters and friends! I've been looking for you girls for weeks!🥹

Gamela exe: oh my God mom what happened?!😟

Ophelia exe: we thought you were dead!!

Flora exe: yeah that's a long story... Well an exe kicked me out of my own mansion and stole all my money.😞

Inko: What's up girls how you doing?😏

Inko: Wait Flora what the fuck happened to you?!😱

Rebecca exe: she got kicked out by some random exe and gotten all of her money stolen.🙁

Inko: AGAIN?!?😡

Inko: That's already the tenth time!!😤

Flora exe: that exe was so heartless.😢

Rei: okay girls we have to save her.🥺

Julie exe: yeah she's too old to be living on the streets.😟

Inko: yeah let's be nice to her for once.😔

Olivia: okay Flora we'll buy you a new house plus a gaming PC so you play Minecraft with us.

Ophelia exe: Don't forget I got you an unlimited food Machine and you can summon and create any food you like! 😁

Flora exe: wow you girls are the best daughters and friends I ever had!!🥹

Gamela exe: your welcome it's good to have you back Mom!😉

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