Vision 2: Does anyone know what just happened?

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It was the middle of the night, the moon was nonexistent on this very night, the same with the stars. You could only see atleast one or two of them.

Kai ended up settling in the crashed ship that made noises throughout the night. He was wearing this black singlet with these long black skull pants. Kai was just inside in a sleeping bag, trying to get some shut eye.

Until someone came in and fired out a air horn directly at his ears.

Kai jolted awake since he left his hearing aids on during the night just in case something were to happen. He then realised the person who did it was...


"Good to see you're awake, I have some questions I need to ask you."
"At this time of night?"
"Yeah, the best time to ask."
"But you can literally ask me any questions wherever why-"

"Glad to see you're on board, let's go." Murch said with a stern tone, pulling Kai up and dragging him out of the spaceship.

"Ow- hey! Gentle! I can walk by myself thanks." Kai hissed, slapping Murch's hand.


Murch ended up leading Kai to his tent.

"Here, you can sit on one of these for now." Murch pulled out one of these huge crates and put it at the front of the desk that I'm pretty sure isn't even a desk but it looks like one.

"Thanks." Kai sat down immediately.

Murch went to the other side of the table made out of wood and kneeled down to Kai's level.

"Why are you friends with Coyote?"
"Oh, well we ran a radio station together a few years back, you should of heard his voice. He sooooooo could of joined a rock band if he wanted to. Why are you asking?"
"How long have you actually known him for?"
"I dunno, years. Probably longer than you have known him."
"I doubt that..."

Murch just sort of stared at Kai, judging him. Kai stared back annoyed, he just wanted to sleep in peace but instead he's being asked a million questions by some guy that he doesn't even fully know all that well.

"Why are you asking me all these questions for?" Kai repeated.

Murch fully sat down, his eyes never leaving Kai's face. "I'm curious, that's all. I just want to know more about who you really are and why you're friends with Coyote." He answered, looking right back Kai, still staring him down.

Kai just started tapping his feet impatiently, Murch's goggles were hurting his eyes as the red light from them were so bright, it would be like staring into the sun. He then realised how silly all of this was.

"This is stupid, I'm going back to bed. We can continue this when it's not so late in the-"

As Kai got up, Murch immediately pulled out his signature red gun, pointing it at him.

"Take one more step and I'll turn this into a execution."

Kai turned around and put his hands up, realising how weak he was in this situation.

"Please don't shoot me."

"I won't if you just sit down, and let me continue asking you some questions."

Kai sat down now, sweating profusely and looking around. He hated how weak he was in this moment.

"So, Kai. Why are you still friends with Coyote?"
"B...Because he's the only person in my...In my Life that actually cares about me and h...Has been there for me when no one wasn't."
"I suggest you drop him and not speak to him at all."

Triviality - a stn au of an another stn au.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang