Porte Chiuse

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"Riley, you're coming with me," I said glancing sideways at him "Chris will cover us, because as soon as we get close they'll open fire. Once me and Riley get inside we can handle the rest on our own. Chris, you wait here for Riley to come back out with her and you'll start back to camp immediately." I looked over at Chris and waited for his approval, he looked impressed for a second then he scrunched his eyebrows together "what about you dipshit?" he asked me. I looked over at him "I have unfinished business." I said to him bitterly. Chris looked over at me and nodded his head, at least he understood that I had to, no I needed to do this. I looked over at Riley and nodded my head, I could see his eyes dilating and his shoulders stiffing under his coat, he was nervous.

I watched my brother get up and adjust the gun on his back, shifting the strap across his shoulder. Riley then got up too and Rick nodded to him. I think I was just as nervous as Riley was, but not for myself, this was going to be the first mission Rick was going to be going on by himself after almost 20 years of being "MIA". I cleared my head and set myself up on the rock I was sitting behind with my gun. I put my finger on the trigger and tightened my shoulders. They took one tentative step out and then ran for it, they were fired at immediately and I fired back. By the time they reached the door almost all of them were laying on the ground or spilled halfway out the window they were shooting through. Rick had no trouble kicking the door in, I wondered where he'd picked that up from. I shook my head again and waited until I couldn't see them anymore and I stood up.

I was having a decent discussion with the tally mark man, when he jumped out of the chair at the sound of gun fire, I grinned at him as he turned ghostly white. "I told you they'd come." I said to him, he punched me one last time in the face and then ran up the stairs. My vision blurred slightly and I allowed my eyes to close.

We walked through the main room, abandoned offices with broken windows on each side, then a hallway. I kicked the door off the hinges and looked around the room before going to the next one and repeating the process on the five other rooms."Where is she dammit!" I said under my breath, there were only three offices and then the hallway. I could feel the rage radiating off of me like the heat off of a heater in the winter. I cursed under my breath and went to the door that led to the hallway, I looked at Riley "remember the plan?" I asked him. He nodded his head and took the gun Chris gave him out of his pocket. I tried the handle on the door and it opened with little resistance. I gave a cautious nod to Riley and stepped into the hallway, there was nothing there except one door at the end with a flickering light above it, like in the movies. I sighed, "Of corse" I said as I went slowly down the hall. Once I reached the door I turned and looked at Riley "Whatever she tells you," I said looking back at him before I opened the door "stick to the plan." Riley nodded at me and I turned and opened the door.

I walked down to the front of the factory and went through the uniforms of the newly deceased that were laying on the ground. I didn't really find anything good, a few dollars and some jewelry. On one of the guys I found a package of Skittles with a bullet hole through the package, all that was, was a bittersweet reminder that they were people too. After taking what was worth money and putting it into my pockets I went back up to my 'post'. I sat behind the rock, took my gun apart and put it back into my bag. I took out one of my knives and started doing some "tricks" to pass the time.

I opened the door into a big, almost empty machine room. Vines grew through the few dilapidated machines that were never removed from the factory and around the two giant pillars that separated the room. I stood there for a second, looking around the room before rushing to the middle of the pillars. I kneeled in front of my wife and I swear my heart broke into millions of pieces, this was all my fault, Riley ran over a few seconds later. Her hair had been chopped off and she was in worse shape than he had expected. "Is that her?" Riley asked, I turned around and smiled at him, I turned back to her and put my hand on her face, her eyes opened slowly and I smiled at her. I cut the rope off her hands and feet and helped her stand. "They went upstairs." she told me, I guess she knew I was going to go after them. I slowly handed her over to Riley, who propped her on his shoulder I watched him walk her out of the room before going up the stairs to teach these assholes a permanent lesson.

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