(chapter 3)

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I just love the words savcı avukat I love how they sound 🙈 so I'll keep using them (savcı= prosecutor, avukat= lawyer) 

Ceylin was talking on the phone with engin her only university friend and the one who doesn't judge her for who she is , she always feels herself self next to him,she suddenly felt that someone is watching her when she looked she found Ilgaz standing there next to the door, when she looked at him he felt obliged to talk so he cleared his throat but his voice still comes hoarse:he started babbling I w I..I was looking for you we need to start the preparation for the mission, I'll tell you what we have and all what you should now, c'mon the chief is waiting for us.

-Ceylin added with a questioning tone: were you watching me? Deep down she wanted him to be there watching her.

İlgaz didn't know that maybe Ceylin sensed his presence he panicked a little bit because there's no way he can let her figure out that he's madly gone for her so he went by a simple:” I wanted to talk to you but since you were on the phone I didn't want to bother you” he said while opening his hand on both sides making it looks like it's obvious ( 🤷🏻‍♀️)

While passing by him Ceylin said with a sarcastic voice while rolling her eyes:” okay gentlemen you are the last gentleman of Istanbul, we can go  “

-'' you rolled your eyes too much one day they'll be stuck in that position” he said with a serious face then he couldn't hold himself when she rolled them again,he burst out laughing.

Ceylin smiled instantly and she noticed that it's her first time hearing him laughing.she told herself that he has a beautiful smile just like everything in him.

When she waited to let him pass he went with a lady's first while directing with his hand to let her go before him.ceylin walked before while having a big smile, he's a real gentleman she told herself again she than noticed that she's marking too much characters and features of his in her head which isn't appropriate and she shouldn't do that, Neva talked to this morning and told her that Ilgaz and her decided to take some time apart and that Ilgaz is her love.., when they arrived to the office the chief and his assistant were waiting for them.

The chief explained that the head savcı of İzmir courthouse is involved in a human trafficking mafia group and she is abusive her position to erase evidences of the her group, she gives them informations when the police is tracking… and the savcı that suspected her involvement in this was found dead in his apartment after it was showed as a suicide,he told them that Ceylin will be as a first year lawyer , and Ilgaz will be as a savcı they set his career as if he was in İstanbul working as a co savcı of the state head savcı this way no one will get suspicious in them,he added that they should act as a couple, interact with the head savcı’s family in the gala that the courthouse will host in the celebration of law day,he finished with telling them to be extremely careful any wrong move we'll find you dead,keep in mind that we won't interfere even if you are in dange at any stage . Do you have any questions? 

Ceylin: Thank you I don't have any.

“ this is too much for Ceylin, she's still new you can't put her in such a dangerous thing while she is using her real identity, this is nonsense I'm sorry,but I can't work in a mission with such conditions, one little wrong move and we'll be both dead not just us our families too! “ Shouted Ilgaz 

The Chief screamed back: Ilgaz ! Come to your sense do you think we didn't think about this, this is the advantage if they suspect something and look for you you are both existing, you have past you have families that's what undercoverd agents don't have, even if they look they won't find a gap we didn't fill,and Ceylin being a beginner is the key she'll do mistakes well  trained agents don't do that's how you'll draw the attentions away from you . what's happening to you Ilgaz! 

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