Freddie and the Motor Car

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Freddie the Narrow Gauge Engine is among the older engines in the High Hills of Sodor. He works hard and is always fearless when facing up to a new challenge. Freddie also likes to remember the days when he was the fastest engine in the Hills, but now he is much older and cannot keep up steam as well as the other engines. 

(He sadly passes Sir Handel and Josh racing down a hill.) 

One morning, Freddie was being transported back from the Steamworks by Thomas. He had just had his tubes fixed and his paintwork polished. He felt grander and stronger than ever before, but he knew he wasn't any faster. He was too old to go at rapid speeds now. 

"Here you go, Freddie," peeped Thomas as he shunted Freddie into the Transfer Yards. 

"Thank you, Thomas," replied Freddie. 

Soon, Freddie was on his own rails again and the Thin Controller came to see him. 

"I would like you, Freddie, to take myself and my children on a picnic in Culdee Fell, please." 

"Ah, yes, sir," said Freddie enthusiastically. 

On the way to the depot to collect his coach and the Percival children, Freddie passed down a line that followed a roadside. 

(Before that, he is waved to by Mrs Percival outside the tea shop.) 

As he went slowly along, he heard a humming sound and then a honking sound. 

"What is that?" he pondered. 

Just then, an old-fashioned Rolls-Royce motor car came round the corner and caught up with Freddie. The car was beautifully painted in silver paint, with some yellow and pink on it too. 

(The car is based on the Silver Ghost.) 

"Oh, an old steam engine," said the newcomer. 

"Old?! You're just as old-looking, Miss...whoever you are," sniffed Freddie, feeling insulted. 

My name is Sylvia," explained the car, "and I'm on my way to the fair up at the Mid-Sodor Railway. I am going on display. I'm an antique gem of a car, you know." 

"You're certainly an old make of motor car," remarked Freddie. 

"Nevertheless, I am a faster vehicle than an old timer such as yourself," said Sylvia. 

And to make her point clear, Sylvia rushed away, overtaking Freddie. 

This made Freddie cross. He didn't think he was slower than a motor car and he was keen to prove it, but he didn't know how. 

Up the line, Freddie saw Rheneas. He was shunting trucks of slate into a siding to let Freddie through. 

"I just saw a motor car named Sylvia," huffed Freddie, "and she boasts how she's faster than I am." 

Before Rheneas could remark that Freddie was an old engine, the proud old engine spoke up again. 

"But I'll show her. Just you wait and see!" 

Freddie went on his way again. But he was so keen to find Sylvia that he forgot all about the Thin Controller and his children. He turned onto the track leading to the Mid-Sodor Railway. 

Soon, Freddie arrived at the station and there was Sylvia, waiting to be parked on display. 

"You say you're faster than I am, Sylvia," he fumed, "but you haven't proven it, old girl! I challenge you to a race to the next station!" 

"Oh, do be sensible," said Sylvia in a pompously posh voice, "you would never manage to keep up with me!" 

"Are you scared of losing to Fearless Freddie?" 

"Of course not, you're on!" snapped Sylvia. 


Both Freddie and Sylvia set off and began their race. Sylvia was now forgetting about the fair and Freddie had completely forgotten about his own job. 

Meanwhile, the Thin Controller and his children were waiting impatiently for Freddie to arrive. But he didn't! 

The Thin Controller was very cross and made arrangements for another engine to take them to Culdee Fell. 

(Skarloey can be seen as Rusty takes the family to Culdee Fell.) 

Soon, Freddie and Sylvia were finishing their race, but they came in at the same time! 

"We'll just have to race back to the main station," said Freddie. 

"Oh, my! I'll be late for the fair!" gasped Sylvia. 

"Oh no! And I've forgotten about the Thin Controller!" 

The two rivals hurried back as fast as they could. Neither of them were racing now. All they cared about was their mistakes. 

As Freddie rushed into the main station, he was flagged down by Mr Quinn. He and Smudger looked cross too. 

"Freddie, I have had a telephone call from Mr Percival," said Mr Quinn crossly, "and I've had to tell him that you were up here, racing with some motor car! Do you have anything to say for yourself?!" 

"I am sorry, sir. And I am very sorry to the Thin Controller and his children, sir. I just wanted to be speedy again, the number one Fearless Freddie again." 

"Well, I'm afraid you've only accomplished being Silly Freddie! Rusty had to do the job for you, and the Thin Controller has asked me to send you back to your shed!" 

Freddie sadly did so, while Sylvia watched on her way to the fair. She felt bad for teasing him. 

And that evening, she drove to the sheds to meet Freddie. 

"I'm sorry that my boasting has gotten you into trouble, Fearless Freddie," she said softly, "I just sometimes miss my glory days on the road, overtaking any engine that dared challenge me." 

"Ah, I know the feeling," sighed Freddie, "I miss being the fastest engine in the Hills. But I suppose today has taught us that being Really Useful is much more important than being young and fast again." 

"I'm glad you've come to that understanding, Freddie," said Mr Percival with an approving smile. 

"I'm so sorry, sir," said Freddie. 

"And I am too," said Sylvia. 

"I can see that you are," said Mr Percival, "but you did cause delay and confusion. Tomorrow, I want you to work your very hardest, Freddie." 

Freddie promised and then he and Sylvia began sharing stories about the good old days of their youths. 

(The End!) 

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