Chapter Three: Tracking The Elements

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Ryo called a meeting not too long after lunch. The people gathered were the same as the ones who were there when Dynamis first arrived in Japan just a few days earlier.
"Where's Kyoya?" Sora asked, swiping his bangs out of his eyes.
"Preparing for war," replied Hikaru, putting an extra foot between him and the teen.
Sora only raised an eyebrow. "Say again?"
"Kakeru found out about the World Tournament from Yu, but Kyoya thought he was talking about Nyx, and then confusion happened and now Kyoya is probably at home cat napping his way out of this meeting so he can brace himself for Kakeru's interrogation." Tsubasa sighed.
"Ah, that makes more sense." Sora nodded. "Wait... How did Yu find out? You said you weren't gonna say anything about Nyx until after the World Tournaments were announced?"
"I... believe that is my fault." Dynamis cleared his throat, looking sheepish. "I was with Tsubasa last night, and we were discussing both subjects, when we thought that Yuu and Tithi were asleep."
"They were not," Tsubasa muttered, darkly. He sighed and shook his head. "Director? What have you called us in for?"
"Ah, yes!" Ryo perked up. "We've finally managed to get reports on all the meteors we needed to know about." He turned and clicked a button on his keyboard, and several video calls opened up on the big screen, a few more than last time. "Aleksi, do you want to do the honors?"
Aleksi, Team Lovushka's leader, nodded. "Thank you, director. Since Madoka contacted us, we at the Russian Space Program have been waiting for the Perseids shower to pass over Earth. As Dynamis said, there were a total of eight that stood out, and a few that veered off course from the projected trajectory of the shower itself. Here are some pictures."
As images began to show up on screen, Aleksi continued to speak.
"There's one in China, Beylin Temple." A red comet blazed through the sky.
"One zoomed towards New York City." A yellow comet appeared on the screen.
"We had one pass over Naples, Italy." A blue comet zoomed through the sky.
"The fourth one had passed to Cairo, Egypt." A green comet appeared on the screen.
"And finally, Mexico." The final comet, black in color, showed up on screen.
"So, now that we know the locations, how do we find them?" Wales Reynolds, of Team Excalibur, was the first to speak up.
"Who knows? We must split up into different groups to check on the state's competitions," Madoka commented, and the groups all dissolved into theories and conversation from there.
Eventually, Ryo managed to quiet everyone, bringing their attention back to him. "Well, I guess there's only one way to find these Elemental Four." Practically everyone held their breath, as Ryo grinned broadly. "Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! It's time for a new World Tournaments!"

It was another week before the announcement everyone was waiting on was made. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Beyblade world! Hold on to your hats because I've got an announcement that just might blow them away! As you know, it's been almost a year since the last major tournament in any country! Well, that's all about to change because I'm here to tell you now, the WBBA has just confirmed that there will be World Tournaments! And even better, it's to start in just a few weeks' time, with the first of the qualifiers being in USA starting on May twenty-fifth! So, get ready Bladers, because it's time to go global!
She decided to hit the trails yet again to see what the world had for her. She was wearing a brown coat and was carrying a leather brown satchel over her left shoulder, which was hidden underneath her coat.
Jenna narrowed her eyes thoughtfully as she gazed up at the screen when she heard DJ Blader's news on the TV. She had competed in such competitions before, but she had sworn to battle one of top rivals that they will battle each other if they can.
And that rival was another Dragon Blader, named Hinote Kampū.
The two of them had battled each other as much as Gingka and Kyoya both had. But they soon learned that they were equal in both strength and power. They both have a unique rivalry and a strong sibling-like friendship. They both traveled together during the Nemesis Incident, since it had left behind a huge deal of destruction and confusion in its wake. Till things have calmed down, they both traveled in opposite directions for their respective training journeys.
Jenna jumped in place when she suddenly felt her phone had started buzzing in her pocket. She checked the time, seeing that it was around the time her woman would be on her first break. She soon answered her friend's phone call.
"Hey Hinote." Jenna smirked knowingly at her friendly, but mysterious rival. "I guess you've heard the news."
"You bet I did," said Hinote, sounding smug. "So... What do you think?"
Jenna smirked as she gazed up at the TV. "I'm thinking..." She soon overheard that one of the World Tournaments is going to take place at the Garden of the Gods. "I actually might be interested in going to the World Tournament at the Garden of the Gods." She soon eyed her phone with a sly smirk. "That's if you want to go there too."
"If you're there, I'll be there," Hinote said.
"Then I'll be there," said Jenna.
"Let's make it a bit interesting," Hinote added with a grin in his voice. "Let's meet up at the top of the island and battle each other there!" His eyes gleamed playfully. "Just remember..." Hinote started to say, but was interrupted by Jenna.
"You have my promise, Hinote!" Jenna grinned brightly at her best friend's suggestion. "Just remember..."
But they both spoke at the same time with such fierce excitement.
"Don't hold anything back!"
The two of them could be seen glaring at each other challengingly, but their eyes brightened with excitement and determination. The two of them both laughed, clearly ready for the battle ahead.

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