✨ Beginning ✨

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When the light appeared, the grand door of Karishma's room swung open. A few people entered, their faces etched with tension. They spoke urgently to Karishma, their voices low and hurried. Karishma responded with authority, her tone commanding and regal, as if she were the most powerful royal queen.

Haseena, peeking through a small crack in the door of the smaller room, watched the scene unfold. She was mesmerized by Karishma's presence and the way she effortlessly took control of the situation. The light from the doorway cast a soft glow around Karishma, enhancing her majestic aura.

When the people left and the door closed, Haseena emerged cautiously from her hiding spot, her mind swirling with questions. "Are you their queen?" she asked, her voice tinged with awe and curiosity.

Karishma, with an air of calm authority, responded, "No, I am the girlfriend of their chief." This revelation made Haseena's heart sink, her hopes of befriending a powerful queen fading.

"That means you are going to marry soon," Haseena said, her voice laced with both sadness and surprise.

Karishma's brow furrowed in confusion. "What is marriage?"

Haseena's eyes widened in disbelief. "Don't you know about marriage? Matlab tum shaadi ke pehle hi apne boyfriend ke saath vo sab karogi?" she asked awkwardly, struggling to comprehend the cultural differences.

"What do you mean?" Karishma questioned, her voice cool but curious.

Growing increasingly frustrated, Haseena retorted, "Who said you to learn English? Why can't you learn Hindi? It would make things so much easier for me."

Karishma remained composed, explaining, "Because according to my knowledge, English is spoken in all the nations of Earth. And I didn't know which country you're from. And now I don't want to waste my time learning Hindi."

Haseena felt a surge of anger at Karishma's dismissive tone. "Tumne Hindi sikhna waste of time kaha... Tumhari toh..." In her rage, she grabbed a nearby vase, ready to smash it on Karishma's head. But Karishma, with a simple flick of her wrist, used her power to shatter the vase into billions of pieces before it could reach her.

"How dare you..." Haseena began, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and indignation.

"I am here to help you, but now I understand why this planet's people hate Earth people," Karishma shouted, her anger palpable. "Because you people don't deserve it. What do you think?"

Her words reverberated through the room, echoing off the walls and filling the space with tension. As Karishma's rage intensified, the atmosphere seemed to shift, the once serene room now tinged with a foreboding blackish-red hue. The flickering candles lining the walls suddenly blazed with an intense, otherworldly light, casting eerie shadows that danced across the floor.

The sudden transformation made Haseena shiver, a cold chill running down her spine. She could feel the raw power emanating from Karishma, a force beyond anything she had ever encountered.

This made Haseena's eyes fill with tears, making Karishma stop in her tracks. "I am sorry," Haseena said, her voice trembling. "I forgot that you're not my friend, that I don't have the right to shout at you."

The sight of Haseena's tears softened Karishma's anger. She realized that Haseena was not a native of this world, not one of her subjects who viewed her as a leader but a frightened and confused girl far from home. Avoiding Haseena's gaze, Karishma looked to the side, her own emotions simmering down.

"I am sorry too," Karishma murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Karishma's apology made Haseena's heart melt.

Then Karishma asked gently, "Are you fine? Let's forget this together, and I promise I won't do this again with you."

Haseena smiled through her tears. "Pakka? I mean, are you sure? If yes, then from now onwards I won't force you either."

Karishma nodded, her expression serious but sincere. "Yes, pakka. Let's start over."

Haseena felt a weight lift off her shoulders. "Thank you, Karishma."

After that, Haseena sat down again like a statue, clutching her tummy while Karishma resumed her work. Karishma, engrossed in her tasks, occasionally glanced at Haseena, finding her increasingly peculiar. Finally, unable to ignore her any longer, Karishma asked, "What happened?"

Haseena looked up, her face contorted with discomfort. "How do you get energy?" she asked, her voice faint.

Karishma paused, slightly confused by the question. "By food," she replied matter-of-factly.

"Oh thank God," Haseena exhaled in relief, her shoulders visibly relaxing. "Karishma, listen, I am feeling very hungry. Please give me some food. For now, I'm even ready to eat bitter gourd... Please," she pleaded, her eyes wide and imploring, like a puppy begging for a treat.

Karishma observed Haseena's desperate expression and felt a twinge of sympathy. Despite her usual stern demeanor, she couldn't ignore the obvious distress of her unexpected guest. After a moment of consideration, she nodded. "Alright, I'll get you some food. Wait here."

Haseena watched as Karishma moved gracefully across the room, her movements precise and efficient. Karishma pressed a button on the wall, and a small panel slid open, revealing a futuristic food dispenser. She retrieved a tray of food and brought it over to Haseena, who was practically salivating at the sight.

When Karishma brought the tray of food near to Haseena, she stared at it in shock. The food looked like it was made of metal. "You aliens eat metal?" she asked, giving Karishma a weird look.

"Yeah, we eat this only," Karishma replied, taking a bite from her plate without a second thought.

Haseena gulped, feeling a mix of disbelief and dread. Gathering all her courage, she picked up a morsel and tried to chew it. It was no use; it felt like trying to bite into solid rock. She winced and spit it out, rubbing her jaw in pain. "You are very bad," Haseena said, making a cute, funny baby face.

For a moment, Karishma stared at her in confusion. But then, something broke through her stern exterior, and she began to laugh-a deep, hearty laugh that echoed through the room. It was a sound Haseena had never heard from her before, and it was utterly mesmerizing. Karishma's laughter was so genuine and infectious that Haseena found herself smiling despite the situation.

As Karishma continued to laugh, the room seemed to respond to her joy. A soft lavender hue began to fill the space, and delicate lavender-colored flowers started to bloom around them, adding a magical quality to the moment. The air was filled with a sweet, soothing fragrance, making Haseena feel as though she had stepped into a dream.

Haseena almost lost herself in Karishma's smile, marveling at the transformation that had taken place. It was as if the entire room had come alive with Karishma's happiness, creating a serene and enchanting atmosphere. The contrast between the hard, metallic food and the soft, blooming flowers was striking, highlighting the unexpected beauty of this alien world.

For a few precious moments, all of Haseena's fears and worries melted away. She saw a different side of Karishma-one that was capable of warmth and joy. It gave her hope that maybe, just maybe, she could find a place for herself in this strange new world.

I know it's a small part 😌, but it was full of Kareena Moments 💖✨.

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And .....

Byeee 👋 ☺️

Phir milenge agle hafte. ( It depends on my mood kal bhi mil sakte hai 😂😂, )

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