Chapter 6

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Brooks P.O.V

She told me how they had been talking whilst I was upstairs, and then it 'just happened'. After they kissed he told her about how he liked her so much, and she replied with another kiss...  And then I walked in.

"Oh my god..I can't believe you walked in!" She said rather embarressed after I explained my side of it.

"Yep..and I kinda knew about Daniel liking you..." I carried on. She looked rather shocked at that.

"And you didn't tell me beacauuusseee?" She questioned.

"I was about to before we went out, but then Daniel arrived just as I was about to tell you! I had no idea you fricken liked him too!!" We both laughed.

"So anyway, your dress you bought for the party is so nice!" I quickly changed the subject as I heard Daniel coming towards the kitchen. She gave me a confused look then saw Daniel at the doorway.

"Yeah! So was yours! What's Rose wearing?..Oh hey Daniel" She acted casual.

"Er, hey..." He raised his eyebrow. "um yeah..I'm gunna get off now, but I'll come and pick you 3 up in couple of hours, say around 9:30?"

"Okay, thanks!" I said, giving him a smile.

"I'll show you out" Madi said winking at me before following Daniel to the front door. I laughed and shook my head at her.

Daniel's P.O.V

What had just happened.

The girl of my dreams had just fucking kissed me! She really couldn't be more perfect. I don't even know how it happened, one minute we were talking and joking, and then I was leaning in. She didn't stop it so niether did I!

"Listen, I like you Madi. Like alot.." She blushed when I said that. For a few moment we sat in silence. Fuck. Did she not like me ba-

Our lips met again. Good answer. 

Brooke shouted her from the stairs. Way to ruin the moment. Madi broke the kiss and laughed. She got up and left the room, leaving me hanging. I sat there not really knowing what to do, or what would happen now. They were talking in the kitchen so i went to join them.

Typical. Talking about clothes.

"Er, yeah..I'm gunna get off now, but I'll come and pick you 3 up in couple of hours, say around 9:30?" It was 6 now giving them a good three hours to get ready.

"Okay, thanks!" Brooke said, smiling.

"I'll show you out" Madi said as I turned and walked to the front door.

"About what happened."I began, what if she didnt ike me back? Then why woud she have kissed you .

"I like you too Daniel" She said and looked at the floor. wow. She just said that. Holy fuck!

"You, yanno." I asked quietly She looked up at me her brown eyes shining.

"I'd love to!" She wrapped her arms around my neck, I hugged her back tightly. She kissed me on the cheek and opened the door.

"I'll see you later, Daniel" She said as stepped outside. I waved and got in my car. Tonight, had been perfect.

Brookes P.O.V

Madi came skipping in looking even more happier than before. As soon as Daniels car couldn't be heard she began to jump up and down squeling

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOOOOD!!!!!" She screamed, ecstatic.

"What what what?!" 

"Me. and Daniel!!" .

"You're official?!" I grinned happy for her.

"YESS!!" We both jumped up and down in the middel of the kitchen screaming and laughing.

After we had calmed down she told me what had happened at the door. He was so sweet sometimes!

"You know them reallllly nice shoes that go with my outfit?" I said changing the subject. "They're at Austin's, I left them there when we went out the other week. Could you give me a lift pretty pleeaasseeeeee" I begged, giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, okayy. Only because I love you!" 


It was 6:20 and still light outside, I had my sunglasses on and we had music playing loud. We sang to all the songs, most of them we loved and knew off by heart. Tonight had been great.

We pulled up outside Austin's flat, I got out and walked to the front door of the building. He had moved out of his parents house a couple of months ago, and gave me a key to this place. I opened the huge wooden door and walked in the dull building, I jogged up some stairs and arrived at flat 5b and opened the door. 

I walked in the front room, Austin wasn't there. He wasn't in the kitchen either, his car was outside and shoes were near the door? Then I heard a giggle from the bedroom. Oh god.

I slowly walked to the bedroom door and yanked it open. There on his bed, was Austin with some fricken hoe on top of him. It took a few seconds before he saw me. I just stood there..shocked.

"Brooke!" He gasped pushing the girl off him. I recognised her, the school fricken slut. She had bleach blonde fake hair, and dark, dull eyes surrounded by mascara covered eyelashes. She was always masked in make-up and everone fricken loved her.  Not me.

I can't believe he would do this to me. I trusted him. I acutually loved this prick. I was hit with a mixture of anger, hatered and hurt. He pulled a t-shirt on as she put her slutty hot pants back on, she really didnt need them because they just about covered her arse.

"Having a nice time are we?!" I said sarcasically, raising my eyebrows.

"Babe, It's not what it looks like" I cringed when he said 'babe'. 

"Oh save it Austin. I know what you were doing, I wasn't born yesterday dickhead" I teared up. I wasn't going to let him see me cry. Georgia stud up, and walked over to the doorway. Where I was, and tried to get past. 

"Oh Austin, I think you forgot to pay the nice girl" I said as she gave me a snotty look. Fuck this little bitch, who the hell did she think she was?! I got so wound up, she was making me angry just by looking at me. She looked me up and down. Out of no where I slapped her hard on her left cheek leaving a big red patch, she stumbled backwards.

"Brooke!!" Austin said getting up to help her. 

"BITCH!" She yelled in her fake, high pitched voice whilst holding her face.

"Oh fuck off Austin, hope you and your whore live happily ever after!" With that, I grabbed my mint coloured shoes for the party and stormed out.

What the fuck, had just happened.

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