Cult Classic

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Getting stranded in the 1960s wasn't on anyone's mind. But getting stuck alone, that's a catastrophic failure that I can only blame on Five's quick judgement. At first, I had no idea where or when I was. I scoured the streets, looking like an outsider thanks to my outfit, searching for any sign of my location. It wasn't until I stumbled upon littered decorations that I discovered the exact point in time I got transported to. January 1st, 1960. New Year's Day. All of us are in a new decade, but not for the same reasons.

I knew the date but not the place. I spent the next 24 hours or so asking around to figure out I was. People either thought I was crazy or still intoxicated from New Year's celebrations. My combination of appearing nuts and being a woman out of her time, nobody took me seriously. Distressed and alone after several hours with no progress, I sat on the side of a quiet road by the countryside and bawled my eyes out with my head in my hands. I quickly became nihilistic as hopes of reuniting with my family and getting home dwindled. Just as it seemed that all hope was lost, a faded pick-up truck pulled up a few feet away. Out climbed a guardian angel in the form of a compassionate young man.

David Katz: possibly the best person I've ever met, time be damned. He comforted me and did his best to understand my situation - though I had to change details for obvious reasons. I'd never met him, though there was a strange familiarity in his  presence. Maybe I've had an interaction with an older version of him, but the name isn't familiar. Being the kind soul he is, Dave drove me to the house that he still shares with his uncle and offered me temporary accommodation until I could get back on my feet. Brian wasn't pleased with Dave's offer, though he eventually warmed up to me as I helped out around the house.

3 years later, we're still a close-knit duo - it's as if we've known each other since childhood. I no longer live with them, but they're only a 15-minute drive away. I run a flower store in town, using my powers to create magnificent floral arrangements. Whether you want a bouquet for your spouse or you need an event covering with flowered final touches, I'm your girl. I love this job. My flowers always brighten up someone's day, and that's one of the reasons why I stuck to this career path. I've also built a good rapport with a handful of regulars - you know it's a good day when they stop by.

I planned to meet up with Dave and Brian for lunch at a diner that I worked at when I first got here. We do this once a week, though Brian doesn't always show. I've been looking forward to seeing them all morning, but due to unforseen circumstances, I'm already late. If we weren't in the 60s, I'd be able to call ahead and tell them. Knowing my limitations, I hurry to wrap things up and rush over to the diner. Luckily, it's only a block away. When I burst through the door, it's clear that I've missed something. Poor Dave looks like a deer in headlights as Brian turns bright red with a rant.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. There was a mix-up with a large order. I got here as soon as I could." I apologise profusely, breaking Brian's rhythm as I sit beside him.

"It's alright, we haven't been here too long." Dave reassures me, though he still seems shocked by something.

"Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself."

"Uh, yeah. Just some guy that was here before you arrived." He tries to blink it away.

"Some lunatic more like!" Brian rages. "And the state of it! I'm telling you, raging homosexual!" I'm so sick of his homophobic outbursts, but I have to watch what I say considering the time.

"Why don't you go have a smoke and try cool off." I suggest as respectfully as I can force myself to be.

"Don't tell me what to do." Aggravated, it seems I've forgotten my place. "But I will. Excuse me." I exit the booth to let him leave the building.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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