Chapter Ten

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I could hear talking. I tried to say something but I couldn't. I was immobilised with pain. I couldn't see who was talk but I knew it was Carl and my dad. I wanted to cry but no tears fell. Every time I took a breath it hurt like hell. I felt like I was slipping further and further away from them. I wanted to reach out but I couldn't. I needed help! Why wasn't anyone helping? Someone else started speaking but I didn't recognise their voice. "Back so soon?" My mom asked.
"Not my choice!" I yelled. I looked around and I was in a room with a table. There was a vase filled with flowers. I grabbed it and threw it at her.
"Hey! What was that for?!" She yelled.
"I want to be with them! Stop bringing me here!" I screamed.

Carl's POV

I started crying. She felt like she had to protect me, I should of protected her! She fell asleep again and I got up, her hand fell out of mine. I walked into the main room and hugged my mom. She started patting my hair.
"She wanted to protect me..." I whispered.
"What?" Mom asked
"She's in there because she didn't want me to be in this situation." I replied "She did it without a second thought"

Jasmine's POV

"Sophia? Is she okay?" I asked as I woke up.
"Fine. She's fine." Rick told me and I smiled. I was so glad. It was such great news. I wanted to around skipping.
"Rest. We'll be right here, okay?" Dad asked.
"Okay..." I whispered as I fell into dreamland.

Carl's POV

I sat next to her, I couldn't leave if I wanted to. I felt so guilty.
"Do you want to go to Otis' funeral?" My mom asked from the door way.
"I can't leave her, what if something happened?" I asked, she nodded.
"I understand, I felt the same way with your dad." Mom told me as she left. That got me thinking. Do I love Jas? Love love? Maybe I do... I do. She was so pretty. Her blonde hair always looked perfect, her green eyes looked like emeralds and her rare smile made my heart flutter.
"Dad?" Jas asked as she woke up.
"He's busy" I told her.
"Doing what?"
"Erm... hunting." I lied to her. She grabbed my hand and pulled me close.
"I know when you're lying to me, Carl" She told me calmly. She was so close that I could feel her breath on my face. I moved my face closer to her and kissed her.

Carl's POV

"You sure?" Hershel asked
"Yes!" Daryl told him. They were going to perform the operation without the rest of the stuff.
"Carl, go wait..." Dad started but he was interrupted by a car coming. They looked outside and ran to the car, I followed slightly behind. It was Shane. Only Shane. Otis had died for Jazzy.
"Don't tell Patricia!" Hershel ordered. We all walked back in. Hershal and Patricia operated on Jas while everyone else waited in the living room.
"What happened?" Glenn asked
"They, Carl and Jas, were looking at a deer..." Dad started
"It was so beautiful" I muttered
"They got really close, they could nearly touch it when Jas pushed Carl out of the way." Dad told everyone.
"She took the bullet for me..." I muttered. Hershel suddenly walked out of the room, we all stopped talking and looked at him.
"She's stable for now" Hershel told us.
"Can we see her?" Daryl asked.
"Yes but not for long, she needs her rest" Hershel answered. Daryl immediately got up and went into her room. I sat there tapping my foot. Waiting for Daryl to come out so I could go it.
"It hurts!" Jas yelled, I ran in wanting to make sure she was okay.
"She's sleep talking" Daryl told me. I started to walk out. "You can stay, I know you care about her." I sat down and grabbed one of her other hands.

Jasmine's POV

"Hello?!" I yelled. I walked into emptiness, I just walked. My arms out, looking for anything. Suddenly I started felling a burning pain. At first I couldn't do anything, I had to stand there and scream.
"HELP!" I screamed. "IT HURTS!" I felt tears fall down my face. I wiped them away.

I opened my eyes.
"Run!" I yelled without thinking.
"Run from what?" My dad asked, I looked at him.
"I-I don't know." I answered.
"I'll give you two some time" Carl said getting up. I grabbed his hand, I didn't want him to go.
"Don't go..." I whispered.
"Okay." Carl muttered sitting back down. "Why did you do it?"
"Do what?" I asked
"Push me and take the bullet?"
"It was just my reaction, I saw him and you didn't. It was the only thing I could do." My voice started trailing off. My eyes slowly fell shut.

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