Chapter 4

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Jo gives me directions to my room and we part in the foyer of King Kai's palace. She disappears down a hall while I start up the white marble steps. A few servants scurry around but it's mostly quiet, in the turning time of morning. A glance at a grandfather clock that I pass displays one o'clock and I stifle a yawn. The ball is probably over by now. Then again, maybe not. My feet begin to trudge on the deep blue carpet as my body registers the time. I had not been told a time to meet, other than morning, so I devise to try to sleep for a few hours and then go wander around until I find somebody.

I see my room down the hall and start for the door when a shape materializes from the shadows. I instinctively draw my blade and get into a defensive crouch. But a wave of shame washes over me as I recognize Queen Basilone. She only arches an eyebrow on her flawless face and extends a hand towards my twisted dagger. "May I?" I pass my weapon over to her. She twirls the blade in her palm. "Interesting piece. I've never seen a blade curved like this." She runs a finger along the interlocking edge, wincing as it draws blood.

"Thanks, it was my mother's." I take the dagger back and return it to my side.

Basilone's eyes seem to furrow when I say "my mother's" but she covers it up with a bright smile. "Care to walk with me?"

My body says no, whining for the recess of a bed, but my head says it would only be polite. And I think I've broken enough etiquette rules tonight. I nod and Queen Basilone turns and strides down the hall, leaving me to follow. We pass white walls and doors that lead to snoring inhabitants. Soon we reach a terrace and the Queen of Eibhlhin does not hesitate to go out onto it. I go after, a wall of Sindhu wind hitting me as I step from the safety of the palace walls. Queen Basilone stands with her hands on the white railing, staring at the city below. Her dark purple dress puffs around her as I take the place next to her. We stand there in silence for a few minutes before she draws her lips into a thin line, eyes knit together. "Did Isolde really not tell you anything?" So, I was one of the topics the Royals were whispering about. I clench my fists at the thought of their attention.

Keeping my voice as calm and clear as I can I say, "She gave me a letter that said to meet her at the Sindhu dining hall at eleven o'clock."

Basilone nods. "That seems harsh. I would have at least told you what this quest was about. Unless she didn't want you to know." She arches her forehead at the last part and I feel the knot in my stomach tighten. Was she baiting me to trash talk my Queen?

I retaliate, a little defensive I admit, but some of the anger does come from the fact that I had been told next to nothing while Isolde had planned out a quest for me. "I trust my Queen. I amend to her wishes."

"Ah, so you are a noble soldier until the end?" I hear a light teasing in her voice that strikes me as a little too personal.

My nails are digging into my skin now. If we were in Careah, and she was not the Queen of Eibhlhin, I would have knocked her flat right then and there. But a dangerous voice whispers in the back of my head to not give anyone a reason to question me. I still get a piece of defiance however, because I turn, curtsy to Queen Basilone and say, "Pardon me, but I have a quest to prepare for." I expect her to appear outraged but she only smiles, a dangerous glint in her eyes as I stand and walk back into the palace. Screw etiquette.

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