Into the Abyss (Part 2)

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"Agghh! The same eyes, the same nose," Ant sat in the Rover, being checked over by his mother. "ah the same everything! Do I have a twin? Am I adopted?" The boy began to list off his questions.

Tsuki sat at the edge, not paying attention. She knew Ant was fine, but his story set off all kinds of red flags in her mind. 'This whole place has my instincts on edge.'

"The Abyss stares back," Nereus mumbled.

"I hate it when you're all mysterious," Fontaine complained.

"Ooh, are you feeling nauseous? Cold? How's your vision?" Kaiko fretted over her son.

Ant sighed, "No, no, and fine. They saw divers too." He gestured to the others, "Fontaine's disappeared. Why am I the crazy one?"

"Four words. 'Ant to Ant encounter'." Fontaine put up four fingers, making her point clear.

"Jeffrey! Huh, he's still down there!" Ant looked out to the ocean.

The eldest sibling sighed, "Don't make me put you in a cage, little brother. Sit." She gently pushed him back into the seat.

"You mentioned a Lemurian symbol?" Nereus asked.

"That explains why you're here." Tsuki crossed her arms. There's always an ulterior motive...She watched the adults talk, and Will handed his device over to show Nereus the image.

"The same symbol you've found so many times before." The mysterious man looked at the image.

"What does it mean, finding it here?" Will asked.

"That I don't know. But rest assured, it does have meaning." Tsuki narrowed her eyes, trying to figure out if the old man knew already. She was digging in her mind in hopes of a memory. Only to sigh at coming up with nothing.

"But that symbol must be thousands of years old." Kaiko was in disbelief, how could an ancient civilization carve things underwater?!

"6,000, to be precise." He corrected.

"And you're saying whatever it was that freaked out those old explorers, might still be down there?" Fontaine pressed.

"I don't care. I'm not letting Jeffrey face sea monsters on his own." Tsuki sighed internally, she loves Jeffery, but she would rather keep Ant and his family out of the water while she grabs him. She doesn't spook easily, and whatever is down there is something not to be taken lightly.

"None of us want that." Will assured his son.

"Exactly! Nektons, onwards!" He stood up and pointed to the sea.

"Umm! That's down." Fontaine corrected.

"Downwards!" Ant corrected himself.

"Wait, wait," Tsuki spoke up, catching Ant off guard. "I suggest Ant and Fontaine stay behind, maybe all of you. I can-"

"What?!" Ant interrupted, "I'm not staying behind with Jeffery alone out there!"

 Tsuki bristled a bit, "I'm not suggesting we leave him alone Anteaus, I'll get him."

"By yourself?" Fontaine crossed her arms. Her friend is acting off. Yes, she would rather do things on her own, but she's not on edge about it.

"Why do you feel this way?" Will knew there was something wrong, Tsuki seemed too quiet after they came back from the sinkhole. More tense and guarded.

"That place is sending all kinds of warning signals..." Tsuki admitted, "My instincts are accurate, especially if I'm being watched." That didn't help her case, if anything it made the parents want to come.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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