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I asked for a sign so where is it?
Can it come by quickly so I can turn the page?
Fixated on my expectations so much I  didn't notice the stains on my page
Splashes of paint that scribbled itself up into a configuration of a modern day art piece everytime I asked for a sign.

See thing is, the signs where always there.
I didn't need to move mountains nor dive ocean deep nor soar across the sky to find them.
I whispered to them and they showed up
But I disregarded them.

"These can't be them, this is not what I ordered".
So I decided to shut my door
And daydream and beg for signs
Then rejected them again when they came.

For reality is far more grotesque than fiction.
And acceptance far more sorrowful than begging for signs.

I asked for a sign and it came to me in words
"Let it go, you deserve far best than this"


To anyone waiting on some sign, look a little closer the sign is there already and it always has been. It might not be what you anticipated it to look like but it is a sign either way.

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