Chapter •5

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Author pov:

Taehyung kept throwing hard punches across to his face as soon it started bleeding everywhere! Others got scared and tried to run away but his friends blocked their way, holding them by the collar.

Tae: How dare you to do such things to innocent people at right in the university?! Bastard! *punch*

Jungkook watched in horror as his hands started shaking! The guy coughed as he was going to unconscious. He can't tolerate others pain since he was always a victim. He suddenly went near to Taehyung and hugged him from the back, with shaking hands and tears falling from his eyes. Feeling warmness against his body, the older male's grip loosened and somehow he stopped.

Tae: I am leaving you for this time, even though you deserve more!

Jhope: Dude let's take him to the principle.

Jin: Yeah, it's not a normal thing to happen. And this bitches bro I swear!

Jack: P-pls let us go!

Yoongi: And what made you think that we will?

Without wasting more time, they dragged them all off from that place.Taehyung signed as he slowly took the hands off from his chest and turned to face the younger. He didn't said anything and just gently patted on his soft hair. Jungkook lightly flinched at his sudden touch and sobbed quietly. He slowly looked up, making eye contact with his adorable doe eyes to the older siren one's.

Kook: T- Tha-nks f-fo-

He shuttered, lips trembling as his words got cut off by the older.

Tae: It's fine, talk slowly I am listening.

He said softly to calm him down but it got worse to control himself from not to breaking down in tears.

Kook: I T-thank you-

Tae: Don't need to thank me, I can understand.

Jungkook bowed to him politely and held his bag to leave.

Tae: Are you leaving like that? You got injured let's treat them first?

Kook: It's not a big deal. Thank you, you have already done a lot for me. I will remember it forever!

He said with a pained voice as the older male's heart stopped for a second. "What did he mean by that?" he thought. Jungkook left as he kept staring at his small leaving figure. "There is always something that he wanted to say but didn't! Wait till I find it." Taehyung thought as he aggressively left from there.

Time skip:

Jungkook washed his face with cold water. Butterflies started dancing in his stomach as he kept remembering the older male. He talks maturely, touches gently, saves him in his worse and he is so fine looking, uhm! He blushed. "I hugged him without his permission, I should apologize for that." he thought. A different lovely feeling was flipping in his stomach.

Meanwhile Taehyung was zooming out while having dinner with his friends and family.

Jin: Earth to Taehyung! *he shouted*

Tae: Yeah, what's wrong?

Jin: What's gotten into you? you have been zooming out lately.

Mrs kim: Yes, he is right. Are you ok son?

Tae: uh yes mom, I am good.

Mrs kim: Oh ok then..

With that he finished his meal. Taehyung went to the rooftop as he needed some fresh air. He sat on a lazy chair as suddenly Jimin came out of nowhere and smacked his head. He looked at him and signed.

Tae: Yeah don't disturb, I am not in a mood.

Jimin: And why is that? Did you have fight with hyungs? Or are you drunk?

Tae: No, now pls be quite.

Jimin: why? I won't and don't tell me it is for the raven boy..

Jimin said as he gave a side smirk.

Tae: What the..! what do you mean?

Jimin: It's obvious that you kinda like him.

Tae: Uh for the god's sake Jimin, I am not gay! I don't like boys are you crazy?

Jimin: Yes I know that but something is feeling suspicious. You don't normally behave like that. And hyungs were explaining how you saved him, beat the bastards etc.

Tae: So what? That's for humanity. Something could happen to him if I didn't save him you know?

Jimin: Yes yes I know.

Tae: Okay good. *he signed*

Jimin: Ok bye and best of luck!

Jimin winked and left as Taehyung yelled at him, "You brat!" He signed and reclined on the chair.

" I wonder that how his eyes are so beautiful! Usually guys are not attractive like him! No ugh fuck not again...!!!"


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