Chapter 8

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The ballroom of Beast Castle was a sight of true majesty. Tonight the enormous room, lined by a row of massive pillars on each side, seemed even more grand than usual. The normal lanterns shone outside the stained-glass windows—each a tribute to a scene from our parents' fairytale—spraying the room with shards of light, and the tables were immaculate beneath their pillared overhang.

Many people had already arrived, and nearly all the tables were full of royals chatting among one another. A significant number of individuals also crowded the dance floor, while others watched on from the sides as they mingled. Tonight was the celebration of an occasion that would be recorded in history books for years to come, and so it made sense that royals had traveled great distances to attend tonight's ball. Besides Auradon Prep students, I caught sight of several royals that were familiar—Tiana and Naveen, Aladdin and Jasmine, Milo and Kida, even Li Shang and Mulan.

Mother and father had been here since the party's beginning, greeting guests and participating in the social mingling that was required of a king and queen. Ben and I, however, just arrived.

"Thank you," I said to the servant who had appeared to take my shawl. For tonight I had donned a gown of deep green. To compliment it, I wore earrings and a necklace lined with emeralds. There were even some emerald pins that had been slipped into my hair.

"I don't see them," Ben said from where he stood beside me, his gaze sweeping the room.

"The villain kids aren't due to arrive for another twenty minutes," I reminded him as I took his arm and began leading him deeper into the party. "Stop fretting. Everything will be fine."

"I just..." Ben hesitated. "I'm not so sure this was a good idea."

"Because the people you're throwing this exact party for have probably never been to one in their lives?"

Ben nodded.

"I was already planning to stick close to them this evening," I admitted. "I'll be there in case they get overwhelmed or...well, in case anything happens. You need to focus on being the future king Auradon expects you to be."

Ben frowned, but nodded. His gaze swept the room once more, frown deepening.

"And please try to stop looking like you hate all the royals here."

Ben sputtered. "What? I don't—"

"You loathe their excess," I said, "and you are close to applying that emotion to them as well. They live the lives they have known, the lives that society has taught them are proper. You won't change them with contempt. You aren't Clopin; it isn't your job to scorn them. Your job is to enfold them, encourage them. Lead them, Ben."

He drew a deep breath, and nodded.

I spotted Jamie across the ballroom, the person whom I'd been looking for since the moment we walked in. I wished to speak with him about how things went with Jay and Carlos.

"Excuse me," I said to Ben, walking away. "I'll be right back."


Ben watched Y/n go, then turned to examine the partygoers once more.

He didn't hate the royals, not even a little bit. That was too extreme. Y/n suggested, he did dislike the way that they lived their lives. Of course, he couldn't say much given that he lived in the same amount of wealth that they did, but...well, he'd like to think that he'd gotten a bit more self-aware recently. He had founded this program to think of those who didn't have as much as he did, hadn't he?

Ben continued walking and passed Clopin—who had arrived back at the palace with characteristic mystery—insulting everyone who passed. He had no wish to fence words with the man today. Instead, he sought out Coach Jenkins, the coach of the tourney team.

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