Chapter 21

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I only fell asleep in his embrace once I was sure his temperature had dropped and he was no longer feverish. However, when I woke up, Erling was no longer beside me, which made me get up in panic and start searching for him. I walked to his bedroom, where I heard the sound of his shower running, and I hoped he was feeling better. Just as I was about to leave, the en-suite door opened, and he emerged with only a towel wrapped around his waist. His wet hair cascaded over his shoulders, water dripping down his neck and across his well-sculpted chest. He looked absolutely mesmerising.

Maybe I had been staring at him for too long, but I didn't notice that he had walked so close to me. His arm reached out to ruffle my hair playfully, but all I could focus on were the veins prominently visible on his forearm. His chuckle broke my trance, and I blushed bright red, feeling utterly embarrassed.

"I need to change." His voice was still raspy, but it sounded so attractive. I knew I had to snap out of it.

I rushed out of his room in embarrassment, briefly considering fleeing his apartment altogether. However, I knew I needed to stay composed, even though it felt impossible in that moment. My heart was pounding in my chest, threatening to burst out. I hurried to the living room and plopped down on the couch, unable to shake the image of him from my mind. His beautiful body, adorned with droplets of water, the water cascading down his chest, his silky hair, his veiny arms—it was all seared into my memory.

He entered the room, wearing a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and walked towards me. I could feel myself shaking, unsure how to conceal my embarrassment. My eyes involuntarily landed on his veiny forearms again, the sight making my knees weak. He evoked emotions in me that I had never felt before.

"Are you alright?" he asked as he sat next to me. Without warning, he placed his hand against my forehead to check my temperature. "You seem so warm—"

"Forget about me, I'm fine," I quickly interrupted before he could finish. "How are you doing now?"

"I'm feeling much better," he withdrew his hand, a smile forming on his lips. "Thank you for staying with me last night."

"I'm glad," I said with a nod, still a bit flustered but genuinely relieved to see he was feeling better. "Do you need anything? Maybe some tea or coffee?"

"I'll just get some water, and then I need to meditate." He stood up and extended his hand to me. "Come meditate with me," he said with a gentle smile.

I had never meditated before, but I was curious to see him meditate. I grabbed his hand, and he led me to a room at the far end of the corridor. The room was spacious, with a large window offering a clear view of the pleasant sky and a park. Adorned with plants to create an earthy green atmosphere, the room also had yoga mats on the floor. He took his position on one of the mats and gestured for me to sit on the mat beside his. I complied, and he asked me to relax and follow his steps before beginning his routine. All my mind could focus on was him, not in the way you'd expect when following someone's instructions. I found myself admiring his posture, the way he sat so elegantly, and the rhythm of his breathing. His eyes were shut as he sat in the lotus position, which I realised was the inspiration for his famous on-pitch celebration. Each breath he took left me more captivated by him.

"Aria," he said, opening one eye and looking at me from the corner of it, "I see you're not meditating."

"I am," I insisted, quickly looking outside the window before closing my eyes and breathing deeply to imitate him. A few moments passed, and I couldn't resist the urge to look at him again. When I opened my eyes and turned to him, I found him staring at me. "Erling, you're not meditating," I said in a daze, not expecting him to be watching me with such a focused look. It felt as though he was admiring me, and it caught me off guard.

Suddenly, he grabbed my arm and moved in closer. I shut my eyes tightly, bracing for our lips to touch. I waited a few moments of anticipation, but there was nothing. When I opened my eyes, I found myself staring at his beautiful lips, which were so close to mine, almost an inch away. My heart raced, and I bit my lower lip, overcome with desire.

"I see I got your heart beating faster," he smirked, moving back. "You should be able to meditate better now."

"I don't think meditation is my thing," I argued, the adrenaline still coursing through me as I stood up. "Anyway, I should head home. I've been away for too long." I faked a glance at my wrist as if checking the time, even though I wasn't wearing a watch, and hurried out of the room. "I'll catch you later, Erl. Bye."

"Wait," he got up and swiftly grabbed my wrist. "You're not even wearing a watch," he chuckled, inspecting my bare wrist.

I felt a surge of embarrassment. Taking a deep breath to compose myself, I looked at him, a sudden thought crossing my mind. He seemed so calm in this moment, a stark contrast to his demeanour on the field during a match. "Erling, are you really okay?" I blurted out without much thought. He looked surprised by my question, and as he let go of my wrist, he hesitantly nodded. But his hesitation spoke volumes, revealing that he wasn't as okay as he claimed to be. I reached out and held both of his arms, locking eyes with him. "You don't have to pretend with me."

He closed his eyes and sighed. "There's a constant pressure on the field that I can't explain. I love playing football, but the media comparisons and criticism make me lose focus. It wasn't this bad last season."

"What if you think about the ones you love while playing?" I suggested, hoping to help him find a solution for his inner conflict. "You know they're watching you, so why not focus on making them smile, instead of trying to prove yourself to the critics?"

His eyes locked onto mine, but I could see he was lost in thought. He sighed and shook his head. "I want to be the best—"

"You are the best," I interrupted him before he could finish. "In my eyes, you are. Forget the results, just go out there and have fun. Enjoy each moment, and you'll make the rest of us smile."

He let my words sink in, and gradually a smile formed on his face. Then, catching me by surprise, he gently grabbed my face with both of his hands. "Come watch me play the next match," he said.

"What?" I was taken aback by his sudden gesture and his unexpected request.

"The tickets are on me," he pulled his hands back and gave my hair a quick playful ruffle. "Bring your mum and Tilly too."

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