Ahh sh*t💣 first day

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(warning that's is so important!!
⚠️I Think I'm Pregnant ⚠️)

Y/N POV 𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑦, 𝑀𝑎𝑦 17𝑡ℎ 6:20 𝐴𝑚

*ring ring ring* I slowly moved over to where by phone was after being awakened by the vibrations of my phone under my pillow. I looked at it slightly blinded by the light before seeing a ft from Blu and answer it seeing Blu on the other side of the line before she starts screaming. "Omg Amor are you ready for the first day of school! I'm so fucking excited to see the place and just be able to blast people with my quirk without getting in trouble!" She yells through the phone bring her face up to the camera taking a good look around
me before asking, "Are you in bed?"

"Umm yeah you woke me up." I responded back slightly pulling myself up before looking around my room and getting off the bed, slipping on my slippers, and heading to the bathroom to get ready as I sat my phone up so Blu
could see me.

"But anyways how are you love?" I asked looking at her as she began to start on her makeup. "Omg I need to tell you about Joseph! He got mad at me last night because I told him he was only a homie and we weren't juntos, but he kept saying we were. I forreal blocked him because he knows I don't like him. After I saw him in Mexico for my family reunion he was all touchy and tried to kick it but you already know this."

My eyes widened at her little story from last night making my surprise on the situation. "Girl I thought you blocked him 7 blocks ago?" I said with a confused expression as I washed my face and brush my teeth.

"I know and I did but... he called me with a new number and email and he texted me on my back up acc on tt I don't know how he found that bruh." Blu shook her head while she pressed the eye liner on her eyes.

"Blu, bby.. why do you have him followed on tt? That's how he got your number and everything." Y/n explained finishing up with her short morning skincare before picking up her outfit she sat out from last night and bring it into the bathroom. "But Imma take a quick shower. I woke up a little sweaty." She says before walking into the shower and turning it on.


  This was the fit for the day

  This was the fit for the day

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A bad guys sister🫀 (Shinsou H x black reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora