Chapter 13

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Anchal's POV:

As I wake up to the soft rays of the morning sun filtering through the curtains, I stretch my limbs, preparing myself for another day of challenges and opportunities. With a sigh, I slip out of bed and begin my morning routine, the familiar motions comforting in their predictability.

After a quick shower and a hurried breakfast, I'm out the door, ready to face the day head-on. Stepping into the office, I'm greeted by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, courtesy of Tarini, my ever-efficient assistant. She hands me my cup with a warm smile, already diving into the day's schedule.

"Ma'am, today you have a call at 9:30 with the head of the New York division of Krial," Tarini informs me, her voice brisk and businesslike. "Then at 10:30, you need to leave for the photo shoot for Druv's campaign. After that, you have lunch with Mr. Malhotra and his daughter. No more meetings for the day."

I nod, mentally mapping out the day ahead. "Will Kriti be joining me for the call, or will she be dialing in from her office?" I inquire.

Tarini shakes her head. "Ma'am, she'll be joining from her office," she replies promptly.

"Okay," I say with a nod, my mind already shifting gears to tackle the tasks at hand.


As the call with the head of the New York division of Krial comes to an end, my phone pings with a notification. I glance down to see a message from Vihaan, and involuntarily, a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. Quickly, I school my features back into their usual composed state. I scold myself inwardly, reminding myself that I shouldn't be smiling for someone, especially a guy I've just met. Not after everything I've been through with men in the past.

Before I can delve further into my thoughts, Vihaan, with his captivating eyes, interrupts my inner monologue. I shake my head mentally, determined to push aside any distracting thoughts of him.

With a sigh, I check the text from Vihaan. He's asking when I'm free to discuss the Monaco trip further. Considering my packed schedule, I reply that I'm available in the evening after 8 p.m. Almost immediately, I receive a response from Vihaan, stating that he has a dinner meeting at 7 which should finish by 8:30 p.m., and he'll call me after that if it's convenient for me.

"Okay," I type back, keeping my response short and professional.

With that settled, I gather my things and head off to the location Dhruv has sent for the photo shoot, pushing aside any lingering thoughts of Vihaan and focusing on the task at hand.


Around 5:30, Tarini quietly slips into my cabin, a steaming cup of coffee in hand. "Here's your evening coffee, ma'am," she offers, her voice soft but efficient. Lost in my work, I barely acknowledge her presence, simply nodding as she places the mug on my desk.

Hours pass in a blur of emails, reports, and phone calls. Finally, as I wrap up the last of my tasks, I glance at the empty coffee mug beside me, realizing with a start that I had unknowingly consumed my evening pick-me-up. Glancing at the clock, I'm surprised to see it's already 7:00 p.m.

Exiting my cabin, I find Tarini still diligently working at her desk. Concerned for her well-being, I gently suggest, "Tarini, it's quite late. You should wrap up your work and leave. You can tackle the remaining tasks tomorrow."

Tarini nods gratefully, immediately starting to tidy up her workspace. With a sigh, I return to my cabin, feeling the weight of the day settling on my shoulders. Needing a moment of solace, I cue up "Sweet Creature" by Harry Styles, the familiar melody washing over me like a soothing balm.

As the song draws to a close, Tarini pops back into my cabin, announcing her departure. "Ma'am, I'm leaving for the day. Take care and good night," she bids me farewell.

"Good night, Tarini," I reply softly, already engrossed in the work that still lies ahead.


My phone rang, pulling me away from the mountain of paperwork I was tackling. Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was already 8:20 p.m. Vihaan's name flashed on the screen. I accepted the call and greeted him.

"Hey," I said, trying to sound casual despite the fatigue creeping into my voice.

"Hi," Vihaan replied, his voice warm and familiar. "Hope I'm not interrupting?"

"No, no, it's okay," I assured him. "I was just catching up on some paperwork."

"Ah, I just wrapped up my meeting," he said. "Thought we could meet up if you're free?"

"Yes, I'd love to. Kaha mile?" I asked, already feeling a little spark of excitement.

"Have you eaten?" Vihaan inquired.

"Yeah, I have," I lied smoothly, not wanting him to worry about my skipped meal.

"Great! How about we go out for dessert then?" he suggested.

"That sounds perfect," I agreed. "I know a perfect place."

"Awesome! Send me the location, and I'll book a cab."

"Where are you right now?" I asked, curious.

"I'm at the restaurant called Chavadi" he replied.

"Oh, that's on my way. I'll pick you up," I offered, feeling a smile spread across my face.

"Are you sure? I don't want to trouble you."

"Of course, it's no trouble at all. I'll be there in about fifteen minutes," I said, already gathering my things.

"Okay, see you soon!" Vihaan's voice had that familiar, cheering tone.

I ended the call, grabbed my keys, and headed out, looking forward to spending some time with him. As I drove, I couldn't help but think about how easy it was to talk to Vihaan, and how natural it felt to be around him.

Hey guys! I'm back with another update. Hope you are enjoying the story so far.

Remember to show some love with votes, shares, and your wonderful comments. Let me know how you like it. Thank you for reading this.


ARAK xoxo

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