Healing training

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Back at the base of the jiinchuruki alliance
How about the girl, Inosuke asked
You mean Ozaki, Kiriya asked back
Yeah she is training to be a medic nin isn't she, Inosuke said looking at Nezuko
How is the training?, Tanjiro ask his sister
Well she did very well, but she was something, Nezuko said
Currently Ozaki is standing in a white room filled with books.
Glad you can make it, Ozaki turn around to see Nezuko walking to her.
Oh hey Nezuko sensei, Ozaki said
Just call me Nezuko we are the same age, Nezuko smiled
Eh right, Ozaki smiled back
So can i ask why you chose to learn healing ninjutsu and do you think your worth teaching and master it,  Nezuko asked with a serious tone
Well honestly I don't think i am worthy of learning it, Ozaki said looking down making Nezuko raise an eyebrow at confusion
But I want to learn this jutsu to help save as many lives as i can, Ozaki said more determined making Nezuko smiled
Alright lets see how worthy you are Ozaki, Nezuko said stretching a hand to her which she accept
So your first step is to try revive this fish, Nezuko said making her confused
Isn't it already dead, she asked in confusion
Yes but all life in this world has a chance to revive from the dead so the healing jutsu help those who are in weaken state, Nezuko explained
The first step in treatment is understanding the problem. With this skill we uses our hands to carefully probe a patient for problems. We performed this techinique by kneeling over a patient and slowly running both hands over their body, looking for signs of injury that may not be visible to the naked eye. It can detect things such as internal injury, improper heart rate, non-apparent bone fractures, poisoning, and disease to these you need to have a very good chakra control and conecentration, Nezuko explained and demonstarted by reviving the seeming dead fish making Ozaki look at her in amazement
Know you try, Nezuko said politely
Ok, Ozaki replied concentrating her hands making them go green, as she focused trying to find the problem, but collapse because of exhsaution.
Not bad for the first try i guess, but try not to focused too much chakra at once, you need to make sure that you save enough chakra for yourself and others because the medic is the only one that can heal people , Nezuko explained
Ok, i'll try, Ozaki concentrate closing her eyes
I didn't mean to close your eyes, Nezuko said while a pile of books fall down making a big sound
Yikes can you help me with that... Ozaki?, She turn to look to see Ozaki eyes still trying to do the medical ninjutsu, what concentration and determination, its like she  didn't hear a thing, Nezuko said amazed
Concentrate... concentrate, found it, Ozaki said and healed the fish making it bounce back to the tank and heard someone clapping
She turn to see Nezuko, well done you did far better than i expected, Nezuko said smiling
Thanks, Ozaki replied embarrased
Lets try some other things, Nezuko said
Giving her a cup of coffee and milk mixed together, next try to seperate the milk and coffee mixture with delicate chakra control.
Ozaki focused on the mixture and focused her energy and chakra,  but not that much success.
Don't just focus on one, but both, Nezuko said making her eye wide in realisation
Its a mixture so there are two different liquids form as one if i try concentrating and find two different feelings, then, Ozaki thought while trying again and succedded, making Nezuko smiled
She's a fast learner, Nezuko thought
Alright lets continue, Nezuko smiled making Ozaki smiled back
Yeah!, She replied excited
Flashback end
She finish my training with minimul difficulty, has good concentration, and take advice well and learn to grow in her training, Nezuko said making the others smile
So one more to go so how was the last guys training Senjuro, Kiriya asked making the others look at him waiting for him to respond...

Taisho secret
Nezuko appear
Did you know that Ozaki family are doctors, so that kind of explained why she has good concentration, next chapter coming out soon see you then.
Well i'm gonna end the chapter there see you in the next chapter

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