Renuing with family

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Ivy's POV

I jumped out of the car and practically ran to open the main gate of the my house. I missed it as soon I open the outside main gate of the house my gaze went towards the flower pot which was settled at the corner.

I breath in the scent and move towards the main gate which led inside. I tried to open it but it was close. I frowned and ring the bell waiting for it to open by mama or papa or Tristan.

I waiting impatiently as I beat it while saying. "Open the door mama I'm here" I said but got no response as I felt a presence behind me I turn around only to find Lorenzo.

Soon it got opened by mama and her face got paled after seeing me but I cared less and hugged her but I got nothing in reply that made me frown. She was just standing like a statue.

I pulled away from her and looked at her face her eyes were cold and emotionless isn't she happy after seeing me? May be she is mad at me because I didn't inform her that I'm coming.

But I'm here infront of her safe and sound then why is she not happy after seeing me just like I am after seeing her. I came out of my trance when I heard papa's yell from behind as he came into my view.

"Who is it dear?" His eyes landed on me as her expression turn same like her. His eyes slowly drifted towards Lorenzo and it become more hateful. Why are they behaving like this?

I came out of trance as my mother spoke in her cold voice that shattered my heart into pieces. "Why are you here?" My eyes widened as I look at her in disbelief as I feel a lump formed in my throat.

"What a-are you s-saying?" She replied me and making me to shook my head in denial "You committed a sin and now you are telling me what am I saying?"she said her eyes loomed with anger and her voice echoed with...disgust.

Is it for me?

"Papa W-what is s-she t-talking a-about?" My gaze drifted towards papa who stared into my eyes hardly and his reply weaken my knees as I broke down.

"Dont call me papa I'm not your father anymore" he said and pulled mama inside and shut the door infront of me as a sob escaped my mouth. What they are talking about? What did I did? Why are they behaving like this? I didnt did anything wrong? Then why?

I sobbed loudly and banged the door with my fist while yelling. "Mama papa talk to me p-please" I said only to get no reply but I didn't stopped. "Why are you doing t-this?" 

Their silence was eating me alive from the inside and tears streamed down to my face as I yelled loudly again just to be be broken down again "WHAT HAVE I DONE WHY ARE YOU BEHAVING L-LIKE T-THIS?"

I completely broke down and slide down as unstoppable sob escaped from my mouth tears were wetting my cheeks as my mind couldn't process what happened with my parents.

I gaze behind me and my eyes stuck on his face which contain a smirk. Did he done all of this? But why? Isn't it enough for him to marry me forcefully and take my virginity.

I dont want to live anymore. No i dont want to. I cried for my life for myself, for my miserably, for my sanity, he was right now they will not accept me. "They will n-not a-accept me" my voice barely above a whisper as I vocalise the thought which were running in my head.

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