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Hey loviess!!! I hope you all are good, so there is a first chapter of MY FIRST BOOK so please kindly ignore the grammatical mistakes!! I hope you all will love it. Stay tuned!!!

I have made but changes that Armaan and Ishita were Childhood bestfriends and their families are close family friends.


Their comes a girl with from the University of Cambridge London.Today is their convocation ceremony as they have completed their graduation in fashion designing.ISHITA SINGHANIA pampered princess of her family.With her raven-black hairs,sparkling brown eyes and flowless golden brown skin, Ishita is a breathtaking sight to behold.She is the only sister of her two doting elder brothers,who have always ensured that she lacks for nothing. Growing up in a luxurious mansion, Ishita has been accustomed to the finer things in life, but she has never let her privileged upbringing define her.

Despite her beauty and wealth, Ishita is a kind-hearted and compassionate soul. She has a soft spot for the less fortunate and often spends her time volunteering at local charities and organizations. Her generosity and warmth have endeared her to many.

When she entered the University she saw her best friend Niharika standing their waiting for her.

Ishita goes towards Niharika and taps on her shoulder.

Niharika turns towards Ishita and said,"god!! Ishu where have you been I was waiting for you here from past half an hour!! Come on let's goes otherwise we'll get late".

Ishita smiled and said,"sorry yaar !! I was stuck with some work and after that maa and papa call came so that's why I went late!".

After that they both went inside the University and their convocation ceremony took place

After convocation ceremony

"Finally Nia we are going back to our hometown now"said Ishita while jumping in excitement.

"Yes Ishu!!! Finally after 5 years we are going back, btw have you packed your backs our flight is in the morning tomorrow"said Niharika while they were sitting in the restaurant having their lunch.

"Yupp!! Only some of the packing is left that I do once we get home"said Ishita

So guys after completing there graduation they are going back to there hometown Rajasthan.

The sun was setting over the English countryside as Ishita and Niharika made their way back to India, their hearts filled with a mix of emotions. They had spent the last three years studying fashion design in London,(in the starting 2 years they did not do fashion designing course in london due to some problems so that's why they are returning after 5 years)and now it was time to return to their homeland, Rajasthan.

As they settled into their seats on the plane, Ishita turned to Niharika with a smile. "Can you believe it's finally happening? We're going home!"

Niharika's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I know, it feels like we've been waiting for this moment forever. I'm so ready to be back in Rajasthan, surrounded by the colors and sounds of our childhood."

Ishita nodded enthusiastically. "Me too. I miss the spicy food, the warm sunshine, and the vibrant markets. And of course, our families are waiting for us."

Niharika's expression turned thoughtful. "Do you think we'll be able to find jobs in Rajasthan? I've heard it's tough for designers to get established there."

Ishita's confidence wavered for a moment before she regained her composure. "Don't worry, we'll figure something out. We have our portfolios, and we've worked on some amazing projects during our time in London. We'll make sure to showcase our skills to potential clients."

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