- Chapter 10 -

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- Damian's POV, still in the studio _

Noting she said was a lie.

'Welcome to hell'? She said this or whatever and she really made this place into hell.

[Cops are almost there. Plus, in ten minutes I'll be there. Is everything going okay?] Nightwing says and I reply. "We are winning but it's not going okay..." I murmur.

The color bomb she threw everywhere is slowly hurting my eyes.

Men and Women is on the floor, lost consciousness.


I can hear gun shot and look back.

I frown.

Maybe Batman will finally understand she never fit in our family after he sees this scene.

She ruined our plan by killing the man at the first place and anyway she murdered every enemy she can detect by...


I vent down and check the body.

No, it's- I mean she is not a body.

She is still breathing even dough she was hit by Lucy's mad attack.

I move to other 'body' that Lucy shot and find out almost every bodies are still breathing.

The bullet was aimed to their shoulder or abdomen.

But she avoided all the organs.

...This is not right.

I mean, she can't do this.

Of course, her aim can be perfect if she has inherent talent or trained hard by real actions but this...? She has to memorize all the things inside the body to avoid this well.

I can see every single person's face is crumpled in pain.

But still, they aren't bleeding much for attacked by gun.

Her aim was consistently towards the shoulder and abdomen, avoiding the organs.

And almost everyone she shot didn't even bleed profusely from being hit by her gun. It's not that blood isn't flowing, but compared to being shot by a gun, the amount of bleeding is significantly less. But none of them are able to get up and attack again. They were attacked in an area where the pain was severe.

It was intentional.

I don't know why she killed the first man, but after that, even dough she used a gun, she did her best to knock them out while not killing them.


She fired her gun while dancing to her song and was aiming so accurately?

And she even memorized the locations of human organs?

No, this above all : how does she know where person's pain is the most server in the first place?


I jerk my head to the location where the screaming is coming. It's a man's voice and I can almost see Lucy attacking him.

In addition, the pop song is know gone.

Perhaps the man broke her MP3.

God, than today will be he end of him.

I sigh and decide to go to them.

I can ask her about everything after this ends.

"Oh Mr, can you remember me...?" I can hear Lucy's voice inside one of the rooms so I entered it.

DC - Lucy quinzelㅣAnd Damian wayneㅣ(All seasons together)Where stories live. Discover now